Neurological disorder on Med application


Filing Flight Plan
Oct 17, 2024
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When I was young I was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis (Type 1). I've been very lucky to have a very benign case of it, and have not had any complications in my 25 years of life. When I submitted my application, I was very new to Aviation, hadn't had any recent doctor visits and was in very good health. Because of that, I did not disclose that I had this condition on my MedXpress application. Am I going to be in trouble when it comes time to renew/apply for a new medical cert?
Get to a neurologist, once you have the favorable report, (make sure it's favorable!) send it in at 405-954-4040. that SI needs every 2 years, a report. If you are proactive FIRST cycle, all will be forgiven....
I already have a Third Class, that I've had for 4 years now. If I add it to my info on my application for when this one expires, is that fishy? Will I be in trouble?
Well if you've only lied/omitted once, and come clean with the proper information on teh second go, you'll be a pass and a warning. Leave it off twice and you have an issue. Three times and "you're Martha Stewart"!