Needed: aircraft scanner or base station radio


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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Anybody here have an old, used, aircraft scanner or base station radio that still works that they aren't using? I don't need something pretty!!

I'm looking for something FREE that somebody would like to donate so I can help get a DFW feed going again--they haven't had one for years. I've got the bandwidth, roof antenna, etc., but don't have an extra radio. I have a handheld but don't want to dedicate it to this project.

Please PM me if you have something you'd be willing to share for this project. If I get more than one offer, we could collectively get DFW, Meacham (FTW) and Alliance (AFW) on the air.

I may have something that would help, but I am uncertain as to whether the squelch circuit can be made to reliably work. Let me do some fiddling.
I was wondering how long before someone brought that up! :)

Y'know, I was "Sparky" for more than one reason.

First (the one you know) because "Spike" + liquor = many new and unique nick-names;

Second, because when I was working for Bell & Howell, carrying a toolbag and fixing stuff, I was one of the "new generation" of techs, who understood things like TTL and microprocessors- I was a "sparky" as opposed to a "gear-greaser."
Spike, were you one of those teens whose parents thought was going to burn the house down? :)
Spike, were you one of those teens whose parents thought was going to burn the house down? :)

In his 25th anniversary yearbook, my father referred to me as, "A train of destruction."

Any questions?