Need ppl finish up advice


Feb 6, 2022
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65 hr or so ppl student. Been going to a small part 61 school for the last 1.5yrs trying to get a ppl. Took 6 months off last summer however due to life. At the point now I’m ready to go full throttle as not to end up a statistic of someone who doesn’t finish. However, my school is losing a cfi and the other is booked out a month in advance along with DPEs in north Texas booked up 2 months out it seems. I’ve soloed and am ready to take my written, however I’m debating changing to a part 141 and starting over basically. I know it might sound stupid, but would anyone ever consider this if it meant being able to train more than once a week along with not waiting for a DPE?
Are you exercising good aeronautical decision making?

First, summer is busy and 2 months for a DPE is good, not to mention you haven’t even taken the written. You should do the written now, it’s good for 2 years. Then fly 2-3 times per week until the CFI says you are ready for the checkride, then you keep flying (2-3 times per week) to keep proficient until the checkride, you can ask to be kept in the loop for any cancellations.

Have you got your cross country in? Given some red flags on your decision making, make sure you get extra simulated instrument time and understand how to save yourself if you fly into the clouds one day. I’d do a lot more than the minimum hours so you know what you’re doing.
So what are your long-term goals? At 65hrs, I wouldn't waste my time and money on a 141 school. Unless, of course, you're shooting for an ATP and The Bigs. Then a unified program makes sense.

Okay, "life." But you're ready for the written, so find a CFI to recommend you and take it. It's good for 2 yrs. Then re-evaluate. Some outfits like American Flyers and Executive Flyers specialize in "finish-up" training. Take a little vacation and do it. EF offers a 2-wk PPL program. Of course, the key is for them also to have access to DPE slots to test you.
I’d recommend a finish up program if your ready to commit.