Need help hiding a body


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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So hypothetically, lets say a guy was going to be in the vicinity of the Ozarks around hmmmmm I dunno October ish. Ground wont be too hard at that point.

If I wanted to hide "something" about the size of the average Comanche pilot

Er..... O Crap. Mods, please delete.

Um Look to your left what do you see?

Why do all these forums have to look the same ?!?!?!
Find a grave yard with an open grave. Usually means some one is going to be buried the next day or very soon. Put the body on the bottom and cover with dirt. Coffin gets placed on dirt covered body and then buried and no one ever knows. Go watch the movie mr. Brooks. Great movie. Lots of ideas

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Place body in body bag. Fly far out over open water, ensure prevailing currents carry body away from land, engage autopilot, bombs away....

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Do you have a real good friend that has a roadside Bar-B-Que stand...???
Ya gotta ask the guys who did in Jimmy Hoffa. Forty years later the FBI still has no clue. :D
Step 1: Don't let anyone know what you're up to.

Step 2: Oh, wait...
Rule #1 Don't talk about Hiding a body club.

Rule #2 Don't talk about Hiding a body club is running a groupon this week.
I firmly believe some of you may have done this before.
Scary specific.

If I had to guess what Henning would do I suspect would focus less on hiding it and more on compounds dissolve it.
Sulfuric acid mixed with hydrogen peroxide.

Too bad I will be in Dallas that weekend.
Place body in body bag. Fly far out over open water, ensure prevailing currents carry body away from land, engage autopilot, bombs away....

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You have to stab the body so the gas that forms when it decomposes can escape. If not it will float to the surface to a bit.
You have to stab the body so the gas that forms when it decomposes can escape. If not it will float to the surface to a bit.

Isn't that what a sufficient amount of concrete is for?

Place body in body bag. Fly far out over open water, ensure prevailing currents carry body away from land, engage autopilot, bombs away....
You missed a step - after putting body in bag, fill bag with coleslaw.
You missed a step - after putting body in bag, fill bag with coleslaw.

Better not go with a mayo based sause on that particular batch of 'slaw. Maybe a vinegar or formaldehyde base would be appropriate...
Better not go with a mayo based sause on that particular batch of 'slaw. Maybe a vinegar or formaldehyde base would be appropriate...

Not formaldehyde! :nono:You don't want to preserve the body.....I mean object!:D
In the Ozarks?

Drop it in the lake, or dump it at a meth lab that's probably going to explode in a few hours anyway.
In Arkansas ? Hide it behind Tammy Faye Baker's shoes...

or under her eyelash case.
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If your going to bury a body in the desert dig the hole first you never know who might show up and you don't want to be digging all night.
Put body in car. Park car in west Baltimore. If there is an investigation, it goes cold after 20 man-hours are spent.
Push it out in Class B airspace. FAA has you covered, bro!
Wait until November, and take the body to Chicago and drop it off at a polling station, lots of other dead people there already.
Place body in body bag. Fly far out over open water, ensure prevailing currents carry body away from land, engage autopilot, bombs away....

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can the person in the body bag get PIC hours if you're wearing a view limiting device?
No, but you can log it as solo time.
It's times like this that I miss Ron. I'm sure there is a Chief Counsel interpretation of logging flight time with deceased pilots.

I mean, depending on when he died, he might still have a valid medical and flight review. Heck, the deceased might even be able to log PIC.

Now, he might have a problem with that whole IMSAFE thing, but that's just a guideline....
It's times like this that I miss Ron. I'm sure there is a Chief Counsel interpretation of logging flight time with deceased pilots.

I mean, depending on when he died, he might still have a valid medical and flight review. Heck, the deceased might even be able to log PIC.

Now, he might have a problem with that whole IMSAFE thing, but that's just a guideline....

Not a chance in hell you would have common purpose though so the bill is on me I suppose. I mean hypothetically.
Ohhh, oh down in Mexico.

Never really been but I'd sure like to go.

Ohhh, oh down in Mexico.
I'll pick you up on Saturday and show you a good place. Don't bring your parachute or tell your wife where you're going.
I'd say wrap it in cole slaw, then wrap the whole thing in many layers of saran wrap. Now it just looks like a big body shaped pile of cole slaw. I saw something like that in the movie John Wick last night on HBO, seems like it would work.
So long, chum...
