Near miss Lebanon Tennessee KM54

Small nit to pick...why do they call it a near miss? A near miss would mean that it almost missed, but BANG, you hit it dead on. A better term would be a near hit.

Agreed. Near hit from now on! :D
Small nit to pick...why do they call it a near miss? A near miss would mean that it almost missed, but BANG, you hit it dead on. A better term would be a near hit.

What’s next? The driveway-parkway bit? Or the one about why airline food is so bad.
You can prick your finger but...
It still plays for me. I dubbed it (so, it's "mine" I own this version of it, sorta) and my channel on YouTube is public.

I haven't tried it on the desktop, works on my phone....?
What’s your YouTube channel name? Still available?
What’s your YouTube channel name? Still available?
Hmm, one post, user name Baron, searching the thread for YouTube channels showing this incident, and then magically, there’s a copyright infringement claim from a person WITH THE SAME LAST NAME AS THE AIRCRAFT’S OWNER?!?!?
Hmm, one post, user name Baron, searching the thread for YouTube channels showing this incident, and then magically, there’s a copyright infringement claim from a person WITH THE SAME LAST NAME AS THE AIRCRAFT’S OWNER?!?!?
Seems like a dubious claim. I'd probably counternotice.
Hmm, one post, user name Baron, searching the thread for YouTube channels showing this incident, and then magically, there’s a copyright infringement claim from a person WITH THE SAME LAST NAME AS THE AIRCRAFT’S OWNER?!?!?
The copyright infringement issue happened when this post was originally posted, Nov 2020. This airport incident popped up when I searched the offender's name. He still seems to be operating the same way, but unfortunately in my own neighborhood. Red Baron was a college nickname but it was taken so I stuck with Baron on this site.This isn't the same last name as the aircraft''s owner.
Pulling this back closer to topic, taking off from opposite end of the runway.

Early in the Concorde service from Dulles, the local vocal anti noise army hired a professional crew to record the noise of the next Concorde departure, and they set up in line with the predicted (and actual) active runway with state of the art equipment.

At departure time, they recorded the sound of the Concorde firing up the engines, taxi, and, oddly, getting louder as it taxied. Then, it was even louder, but gradually faded, as it departed in the wrong direction, and did not pass over them. Curses, we were foiled! :devil:

They then filed a complaint the with the FAA that the Concorde had made an illegal downwind departure. FAA response was that it is the pilots decision on whether he needs a headwind for safe departure, the departure in fact used less than half of the runway, a 10 knot tailwind was trivial for a plane capable of departing on just half of its engines. In fact, one did by accident, at Kennedy, just increased throttle to get desired acceleration, and rotated, then noticed the two engines not running, and returned. Concorde taxis on just two engines. :D
The copyright infringement issue happened when this post was originally posted, Nov 2020. This airport incident popped up when I searched the offender's name. He still seems to be operating the same way, but unfortunately in my own neighborhood. Red Baron was a college nickname but it was taken so I stuck with Baron on this site.This isn't the same last name as the aircraft''s owner.
My mistake for not looking more closely to see how old the thread was. The copyright infringement claim on the video in post 14 appears to be the same as the aircraft owner’s name (not Baron). I assumed Baron was a Beechcraft reference (close to Bonanza).

Sorry this nonsense is in your neighborhood. We have our own yahoos over here, but by the sounds of it, I’m glad he isn’t one of them!
Thanks, it appears his attitude isn't just in the airplane but on the ground as well. I was just wondering if CharlieD3 still had the recording. Kinda crazy for You Tube to pull it for copyright infringement. Doesn't really make sense.