Narco MK12D replacement?


Filing Flight Plan
Feb 4, 2017
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The Narco NAV/COM radio in my C150 went black. Not the usual dimming of the gas discharge display these units have been dealing with, but complete darkness. The radio itself is working, but this doesn't do me any good when I don't know the frequency I am in.

I am looking for recommendations on reaplcements. Used MX-300 units are supposed to be drop in replacements, at between $1000 and $2000 dollars. Or go with a used Garmin? Or something new?

This is a VFR-only airplane. It is the only radio and I am flying in and out of a class C airport so the radio is important.

Thank you.
Used MX-300 units are supposed to be drop in replacements, at between $1000 and $2000 dollars. Or go with a used Garmin? Or something new?

This is a VFR-only airplane. It is the only radio and I am flying in and out of a class C airport so the radio is important.
With TKM out of business, a used MX-300 is probably just as good as a used Narco. Neither is all that great.

If it's VFR-only, then you don't really need the NAV side. If that's acceptable to you, then there are a lot of COM-only options.
Unfortunately, the replacement display modules which were available until relatively recently are no longer made, and we are led to believe that they will never again be. So, as the displays die, so do the prospects of using these otherwise-solid radios. I face this exact scenario myself.

My plan is to replace my 12D with, most likely, either a Garmin GNC215, or a Trig TX56A. Or, maybe I just get a COM and let my Avidyne IFD serve as the sole nav source.
It’s not the display dimming issue this time, it’s something else. It was intermittent black/full brightness and now just black.

A drop in replacement would have been nice due to the high install costs here. But if the drop in replacements are equally unrepairable then this might turn out to be a shortsighted solution.
A drop in replacement would have been nice due to the high install costs here. But if the drop in replacements are equally unrepairable then this might turn out to be a shortsighted solution.
The upside of replacing it with a COM-only radio is that you'll probably gain a couple pounds of useful load, which is probably a valuable commodity in a C150.
I just took one out last week for an avionics upgrade, works perfect. a steal at 800 bucks
The Narco NAV/COM radio in my C150 went black. Not the usual dimming of the gas discharge display these units have been dealing with, but complete darkness. The radio itself is working, but this doesn't do me any good when I don't know the frequency I am in.

I am looking for recommendations on reaplcements. Used MX-300 units are supposed to be drop in replacements, at between $1000 and $2000 dollars. Or go with a used Garmin? Or something new?

This is a VFR-only airplane. It is the only radio and I am flying in and out of a class C airport so the radio is important.

Thank you.
Is your 150 28 or 14 volt?
Used one from eBay or one of the various aircraft salvage operations will be your best short-term option.
One thing to be careful with is that not all MK12D radios are the same. Some were built as slide in replacements for other applications while others were meant for a new installation.

Personally, I’d take the opportunity to install a radio that is supportable. New com only radios are relatively inexpensive and simple to install.
Mike’s Avionics can still fix them. Mine did the same thing last year when new radios were on a 6month backorder. He turned mine around in less than a week and it works perfect. Total with shipping was about $700
Mike’s Avionics can still fix them. Mine did the same thing last year when new radios were on a 6month backorder. He turned mine around in less than a week and it works perfect. Total with shipping was about $700
Retired according to his website.
The Narco NAV/COM radio in my C150 went black. Not the usual dimming of the gas discharge display these units have been dealing with, but complete darkness. The radio itself is working, but this doesn't do me any good when I don't know the frequency I am in.

I am looking for recommendations on reaplcements. Used MX-300 units are supposed to be drop in replacements, at between $1000 and $2000 dollars. Or go with a used Garmin? Or something new?

This is a VFR-only airplane. It is the only radio and I am flying in and out of a class C airport so the radio is important.

Thank you.
I have a spare from my aircraft , it’s in excellent t working condition all the digits Display properly .
In looking at the TKM MX-300, it seems larger than the Narco 12D. Does it actually use the same tray making it slide in?
In looking at the TKM MX-300, it seems larger than the Narco 12D. Does it actually use the same tray making it slide in?
TKM went out of business last year or early this year.
TKM went out of business last year or early this year.
Yes, I know. Units are still available in the aftermarket. Does it use the same slide in tray?
Yes, I know. Units are still available in the aftermarket. Does it use the same slide in tray?
yup. I pulled out a non-working 12D many years ago and replaced it with the TKM. Never got the NAV side to work tho. Still have it, use it mostlyfor weather and 2nd COM.
You can get a used GTR 225 for around $2,000. They are easy to install and have a smaller profile than the MK 12.