Line Up and Wait
NACOmatic NightVision ebooks are white-on-black ...
less likely to compromise your night vision than the
standard black-on-white IAPs. These new compilations
are grayscale bitmaps suitable for 1024x768 displays
and are ~1/4th the size of the Universal (vector)
I have added another collection that is optimized
for the Kindle DX and other 1024x768 tablets,
netbooks, etc and are ~1/4 the size of the Universal
(vector) editions.
less likely to compromise your night vision than the
standard black-on-white IAPs. These new compilations
are grayscale bitmaps suitable for 1024x768 displays
and are ~1/4th the size of the Universal (vector)
I have added another collection that is optimized
for the Kindle DX and other 1024x768 tablets,
netbooks, etc and are ~1/4 the size of the Universal
(vector) editions.