I’ve had Tiles and renewed it 3 times. They don’t have a good implementation and I eventually gave up.
1) Battery life sucks - far less than the year they promise
2) The tiles tend to randomly unpair themselves from the account
3) Account sharing between e.g. husband and wife is horrible. E.g. My keys or wallet will randomly pair with my Wife’s phone instead of mine and then no matter what you do, you can’t use your own phone to find the tile, so then you have to go look for your Wife’s phone in order to use her app. If you use 2 accounts in order to avoid that problem, you can’t search for shared Tiles.
Fi (
tryfi.com ) does this exactly right. It’s a dog tracker collar but the same principles apply. What they do is:
a) When you’re at home they have a Ethernet/WiFi base station, which uses a more efficient signal than Bluetooth to keep tabs on the dogs so if saves battery power. More importantly - it’s web accessible so none of this paired-to-a-single-device nonsense.
b) When you and the dogs leave home and the Fi cannot see the base station anymore, only then will it pair to your phone via Bluetooth. And if it sees two phones it always pairs to the preferred one. Even if it didn’t - you can use one phone to track/control via the other phone (e.g you can remotely turn on a tracking light on the Fi from the non-paired phone and the other phone will relay the command). You can’t do that via Tile.
c) When both base station and Bluetooth fails it switches to cellular+gps tracking. Now this one may be too hard to do in the smaller Tile form factor but just (a) and (b) above would be a HUGE improvement.