Speaking of BCC, how you all feel about Read Receipts? I don't use them, and I go out of my way to not send them. I wish they didn't exist.
Never send them, and make sure they're always completely turned off on every client I've ever used, the second the new machine or client is loaded.
Email is store and forward. I may not read it today. Want to make sure I got a message? I have three phone numbers that ring me 24/7.
At least one of them is on the bottom of every business email I've ever sent you.
If you have some stupid personal hang up about dialing a phone number, it must not be that important. Good luck.
Been essentially "on-call" for over two decades. The phone is for urgency. The email is for later.
The chat system, I manage it so it alerts and I notice a few very important (company will lose money) things and other than that, I see them when I see them.
If nobody is bleeding on the floor or we're not losing money by the minute, it's not an emergency.
One of my bosses said it best a long time ago, "We didn't hire him for his stellar personality." He said this to a pro "troubleshooting" trainer who posed a scenario to a group class we were both in, and I kinda ruined her scenario by figuring it out too soon.
It was one of those implausible scenarios where the instructor lets each person ask one question. I was seated so I was question number three.
Oh. And the answer was "the matador stabbed himself". LOL.
We made that poor trainer's life hell for a week. I still remember the nearly 60 year old telecom engineer in our support group yelling at her that "machines don't work that way!" to one of the stupid scenarios presented.
Ahhh... what was the name of that crap again? Oh yeah, these ass-hats...
I see they still can't build a decent mobile website for all their BS about good processes and procedures, either. LOL.