[N/A] Weather Radar Outside the US


Dec 31, 2011
Central AR
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Talking this morning with a buddy in Europe and we got on the topic of weather. This made me remember that in my travels to Europe/UK I only ever saw daily weather forecasts with a composite “radar” image. Which wasn’t even a radar image. Just a Rainfall Rate image made by the MET Office.

I just did a quick google search and only found a handful of sites with an actual radar image. The rest were either Rainfall Rate images or a just a image that just shows a single color.

It just seems odd that most of the world hasn’t taken on our weather radars for their public use. I understand we typically have more severe weather then most parts of the world.
I still use ForeFlight for radar, even if I'm not flying. It seems that, if a country shares the information, it shows there as well. If you have a subscription, you can access their on-line planner in a web browser. It seems that, outside of North America, only Europe, Japan, New Zealand and Australia share that data based on my experience.

Trying to find accurate weather radar here (in Germany) is tough. Weather Channel is ok. Windy helps with a general picture.