They can make tremendous amounts of revenue, and tremendous amounts of head aches, not only for you, but for the neighborhood. I have come full circle on these after some experience. Make sure you are in an appropriate neighborhood. Operating an unlicensed motel in a residential neighborhood is inappropriate and abuse of your neighbors. Make sure you understand the politics surrounding them in the area. Lots of areas are putting in more and more restrictions on them. (for good reasons) Make sure of your liability and insurance covering your business. Are you close enough to deal with it 24/7. You will need to be there, or pay a mgt company, and even if you pay a mgt company, you will still need to be there. Lots to consider. But if its done right and in the right neighborhood, it can be a great sideline, it can also be a real nightmare. Like so many things, get well educated on both sides. We had to put in restrictions in our neighborhood on them (unfortunate, but required) and our property values and demand went up because of the restrictions. Seemed backwards to me. But new buyers were looking for those restrictions to avoid living next to a motel. We use them and will continue to use them. Overall they have been decent experiences. Inconsistent at best. The constant is things i see are safety related items that are not attended to. Fire extinguishers out of date, no or inoperative smoke/carbon monoxide detectors and such. I could go on all day on the subject.