N/A T-Mobile


Line Up and Wait
Feb 23, 2005
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Mark B
Mom got an email from T-Mobile this morning confirming her purchase.
I KNEW she hadn't bought anything recently from them since I had been here.

Once I checked what it was and the status on their page, I figured out it was for the phone she bought back in April and had received two days later.

Just struck me as funny that it took them over two months to send an email confirmation of the order!

Mark B
Mom got an email from T-Mobile this morning confirming her purchase.
I KNEW she hadn't bought anything recently from them since I had been here.

Once I checked what it was and the status on their page, I figured out it was for the phone she bought back in April and had received two days later.

Just struck me as funny that it took them over two months to send an email confirmation of the order!

Mark B

I've been with T-Mobile for over 4 years now, and you couldn't pay me to switch. Like any big company, they will occasionally make a mistake, but in my experience they've always been ready to immediately correct any error, and to do so in my favor. My first phone was with Sprint, and the 6 months I used their service, they drove me crazy.
I've been with T-Mobile for over 4 years now, and you couldn't pay me to switch. Like any big company, they will occasionally make a mistake, but in my experience they've always been ready to immediately correct any error, and to do so in my favor. My first phone was with Sprint, and the 6 months I used their service, they drove me crazy.
I've been with T-Mobile since switching to them in May 2004. There were a couple issues between what was promised and what occurred. That was resolved and it has been good since.

When I recently switched to a local number after moving to Texas, they wanted to charge me $15. I suggested that really wasn't necessary given my time with them as well as my freedom to drop the service and go elsewhere for a local number. She agreed and waived the charge.
I do like T-Mo, and I use them on my BB (and for overseas travel).

Unfortunately, T-Mo has no coverage at, or on the road to, some rural property I own.... meaning I pretty much have to maintain a VZ phone.