[N/A] Over, Under, or Around ...


Final Approach
Mar 4, 2020
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Dale Andee
As we get older and our mid section grows larger, what is the preference?

Should we let our belly hang over our belt?

Perhaps it's better to pull the pants waist up over the belly and ride the belt line higher?

Or just face the fact and get a larger belt to go around the middle and keep the waitline centered?

Something to consider as I work on keeping my boyish figure, but the times they are a changing!
Suspenders, keeps everything where it belongs without strangulation. Added benefit is you can continue wearing your winter sidearm all year. You're welcome.
And here I thought you were referring to my flight planning related to winter icing...
You start to appreciate the benefits of a toga.
Eat less food. Don't buy larger sizes.

And now you could also spend thousands of dollars to treat diabetes that you don't even have.
Knuckle down on diet and exercise. Cut carbs, especially refined sugars and flour, drink more water, and exercise hard for 30 minutes to an hour every day or at least every other day.
Pants that come up to your chest with a 20 inch long zipper....

Belt/waistband goes at your waist, below your belly button. There's no "hiding" a gut, and it looks even worse with pants pulled higher. Either lose the gut or ride the gut over the waistband.
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Belt points up - pants stay up
Belt points down - pants fall down
Just don’t be one of those guys that lets your belly stick out. Get a bigger belt and tuck that souch in with your shirt. Nobody wants to see that.
sweat pants one size too large, knotted firmly around the armpits.

When added to the forthcoming manboobs, you'll resemble a powerful Moai and could be worshipped by some island cultures.
For the sake of clarification, I was asking for a friend. ;)

The reason for the question wasn't to ask how to prevent the bulge but what is more acceptable and desirable in dealing with it ...