N/A Listen to your body (long pointless rant)


Pattern Altitude
Oct 24, 2007
Fontana, CA
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Fox McCloud
Since I've started my diet attempt (counting kCals plus limiting sugar & meats) a few weeks ago I've had some strong cravings. I normally listen to my body unless it wants something that'll bust my kCal goals or will result in me relapsing towards a forbidden item. I figure my body knows what its doing a lot better then me. And so far this was going okay until yesterday.

Yesterday I woke up and had virtually no appetite and didn't eat for most of the day. This continued past lunch time when I had a craving for coffee or all things and then it all went downhill. Later at a movie my cravings lead me to buy the room-temp, overpriced, not quite stale movie theater popcorn and a soda. I was still within kCal limits so it was a non-issue.

Couple hours later I was sitting at home feeling the most nauseated in over a decade. At this point my folks recommended that I medicate it with an OTC, but I generally don't medicate anything that won't kill me. "Besides, It'll go away in a few hours anyway", I said as I sat there all nauseated and cramped up for the next 4 hours waiting for it to go away. Life has taught me the best thing to do is not eat anything else, try some ginger and let your body "fast track" the offending contents. For the first time ever ginger has a minimal effect. Considering the magnitude of events I'll assume I ingested some sort of bad microbe as this is feels like the time I ate under-cooked chicken, but worse.

Next thing I knew my body was trying to "return" the offending contents but I really was in no mood for such an unpleasant act and decided to disobey my body. Took a lot of willpower but I held my ground. But my body punished me for such foolishness by waking me up with a fever and abdominal cramps at 2 am. I went back to bed and now I'm at work, cramped up, tired, slightly feverish, and nauseated wondering if this would have never happened if I had just listened to my body's "return" request in the first place. I suppose our bodies do these things for a reason.

As I sit here tired, hot, and cramped I have learned 2 important life lessons over the past 24hrs:
1. Be wary of hours old room temp popcorn.
2. Listen to your body. It usually knows best.
Hey, at least you'll spend that much less time eating and loose that much more weight. If it was microbial infection the technicolor yawn probably wouldn't have mattered.
You don't wanna dump that much fiber into an empty stomach. Ask me how it went when the only thing I had to make for breakfast was the South Beach-legal high-fiber steel cut Irish oatmeal so I made a large amount. It didn't want to move in any direction. I hadda call the doctor who couldn't offer any help other than to wait it out. Owwww...
why wouldn't you just throw it all up? Anytime I've been sick that usually takes care of it pretty quickly. you were just holding the poison in.
You're right. I did lose 2.8 lbs. IDK if I should be happy or not. And best of all, I think I should be over this in another 24-48 hrs. I can walk again without feeling it as much so thats a start.

I'm never going to buy popcorn from that theater again.:no:
why wouldn't you just throw it all up? Anytime I've been sick that usually takes care of it pretty quickly. you were just holding the poison in.

Because I don't remember it being a pleasant experience. Normally, these things resolve quickly without trying to come up. Although I have learned my lesson.
Wait a minute...

... you listened to your body when buying the popcorn...

Sounds like a mixed message. :)
... Later at a movie my cravings lead me to buy the room-temp, overpriced, not quite stale movie theater popcorn and a soda.


As I sit here tired, hot, and cramped I have learned 2 important life lessons over the past 24hrs:
1. Be wary of hours old room temp popcorn.
2. Listen to your body. It usually knows best.

If it was food poisening it was more likely the Soda (assuming fountian not bottled) then the popcorn, however the state of the popcorn was probally an indication of the quality of the food at the snack bar.

Soda fountians have to be well cleaned & maintained or they can grow nasty funky stuff.

I think I'll write a letter to them this weekend about this. Not anything mean or litigious, but more like "BTW, my worst days of 2007 are because of your snacks." Although I'll try to say so in a nice way.

Generally I avoid this theater because of the general feel of the place, but it was a cheap matinée and it was virtually empty too. I guess thats what I get for "Keeping it in the community."
Why diet?

Wouldn't you rather die a couple of years early and enjoy yourself than put yourself through that?

~ Christopher
6'1" 240lbs of happy, happy man.
I'm dieting so that I can easily fit into roller coaster I so enjoy. I also want to sky dive one day but I'm a little too heavy at the moment. Although I do realize I was destined to be kinda big since I popped out as the biggest baby that day. OTOH it looks like I'm on the way to fitness alot faster then weight loss.
OTOH it looks like I'm on the way to fitness alot faster then weight loss.

Being Fit and able to do what makes you happy is the most important part. Little everyday choices are life choices: Will I get more happyness out of that peice of choclate cake right now or will I get more happyness out of being able to do X?

Fill in X with whatever you find most appealing: go sking, flying, skydiving, soaring, etc .

Good for you for making that choice everyday.


P.S. I still have trouble chosing the long term happy over the temporary imideate happiness....