n/a Franchise owners

I have clients with such experience; they vary extremely widely.
The only reason I see to buy into a franchise is for the name recognition. If it's not a well-known brand-name, I wouldn't touch it. I've seen way too many small ones fail. Some guy has a successful restaurant, and tried to sell the formula as a franchise. He ended up with six completely different restaurants with six different menus, but all had the same name. They're gone now.
Been on both sides. Had 6 double drive-through burger joints in DFW as franchisee, became default franchisor. Both sides left something to be deisred.

Anyone got any experience being a franchisee (especially but not exclusively restaurant)?
Been there with my folks during the 80's. Not a good experience for us but others have been wildly successful. Location and name recognition are two primary items to consider (other than cap costs and ROI of course).