Mystery electronic engine monitors. Help me find.


Cleared for Takeoff
Dec 18, 2011
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Mystery electronic engine monitors. Help me find. *Found*

About 6 months ago on some forum (forget which) there was this guy who had installed a set of standard size engine monitors that had an electronic display. At least that's how I remember it, but they could have been single function instruments, too as fuzzy as my memory is. I seem to recall the company was Canadian (I could be wrong here as well) and they were FAA certified. I'd never heard of them before, but the had a great clean look to them and were priced really well. I've browsed Aircraft Spruce, but no luck. It's not any of the usual suspects like JPI, Insight, Auracle or Electronics International.

Ring a bell?

PS! Sorry - found it. Ignore. They're called Aerospace Logic.


Pretty sweet, but not multi function.
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