My plane is white!

Jeff Oslick

Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Mar 12, 2005
Fullerton, CA
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Display name:
Jeff Oslick
After 4 months of stripping, replacing, repairing, inspecting, and some more repairing, we've finally Got Paint!

Design layout is being done today, then a day or two of trim painting. Monday/Tuesday is for reassembly and sign-offs for correction of annual inspection deficiencies (not having flight controls installed and exterior placards), and first flight hopefully next Tuesday!

Got an hour in a rented 182 yesterday to brush up on emergency procedures. My first 182 flying in 4 months, and my only other flying was a couple hours in a 172 about a month ago. How long has it been since you've practiced a no-airspeed-indicator approach? To make it more fun, I had a 15 knot gusting headwind. I should have logged 3 landings just for that "one". Good news was that I could still pull off an accurate power-off 180 from downwind to land just past the numbers (let's hope I don't need that skill on Tuesday). Definitely some rust on my flying, but it appears to be surface corrosion ;).

All taped for trim paint - metallic blue bottom, blue and silver-gray trim stripes.
Almost ready!

Just missing a few important parts, but looking pretty good! Hope to be flying by Friday.

Re: Almost ready!

Jeff Oslick said:
Just missing a few important parts, but looking pretty good! Hope to be flying by Friday.


At first glance I thought I was looking at a CHP A/C. You gonna' get the two foot letters painted in gold on the bottom of the wing?

It looks real nice. What mfg of the blue paint?
Re: Almost ready!

Richard said:
At first glance I thought I was looking at a CHP A/C. You gonna' get the two foot letters painted in gold on the bottom of the wing?

It looks real nice. What mfg of the blue paint?

Thanks. Maybe I'll go cruising low and slow over I-5 sometime and watch what happens below... Hope I don't get any speeding tickets :D !

Paints were all Imron.
Blue- Concord Blue Metallic
Dark silver stripe - Silver Gray Metallic
light silver tail accent - Light Silver Metallic

The blue really is striking, and it hasn't even been buffed yet. My first car was a '79 Oldsmobile 98 (yes, my father's Oldsmobile!) that was a very similar blue metallic.
Re: Almost ready!

I love the paint scheme. Very sharp!