After 4 months of stripping, replacing, repairing, inspecting, and some more repairing, we've finally Got Paint!
Design layout is being done today, then a day or two of trim painting. Monday/Tuesday is for reassembly and sign-offs for correction of annual inspection deficiencies (not having flight controls installed and exterior placards), and first flight hopefully next Tuesday!
Got an hour in a rented 182 yesterday to brush up on emergency procedures. My first 182 flying in 4 months, and my only other flying was a couple hours in a 172 about a month ago. How long has it been since you've practiced a no-airspeed-indicator approach? To make it more fun, I had a 15 knot gusting headwind. I should have logged 3 landings just for that "one". Good news was that I could still pull off an accurate power-off 180 from downwind to land just past the numbers (let's hope I don't need that skill on Tuesday). Definitely some rust on my flying, but it appears to be surface corrosion .
Design layout is being done today, then a day or two of trim painting. Monday/Tuesday is for reassembly and sign-offs for correction of annual inspection deficiencies (not having flight controls installed and exterior placards), and first flight hopefully next Tuesday!
Got an hour in a rented 182 yesterday to brush up on emergency procedures. My first 182 flying in 4 months, and my only other flying was a couple hours in a 172 about a month ago. How long has it been since you've practiced a no-airspeed-indicator approach? To make it more fun, I had a 15 knot gusting headwind. I should have logged 3 landings just for that "one". Good news was that I could still pull off an accurate power-off 180 from downwind to land just past the numbers (let's hope I don't need that skill on Tuesday). Definitely some rust on my flying, but it appears to be surface corrosion .