Started flight training in 2008-2009 soloed with a student pilot certificate with a 3rd class medical but had to drop out because I ran out of money in my early twenties. Here I am now mid thirties and life is way different now and wanting my ppl. In 2011 I had a misdemeanor possession and theft charge. In 2013 I had a dui and 2 assault charges. I did everything with every conviction just exactly as I was told and have went on with a great life these days with my wife and I, plus a job at the same company since 2011. Was with my instructor today for my second lesson and when I got to the question filing out my student pilot certificate online it asked if I had any drug convictions, so at this point my instructor wanted me to get more advice as he’s never dealt with that. Do I need to go ahead and apply for my student pilot certificate? What am I looking at as far as this process and how do I need to proceed? Thanks guys.