So I went on a 2 day trip from TTA (Sanford, NC) to FTY (Atlanta, GA). I left on Sunday at 6am, stopped by GMU (Greenville, SC) to fuel up and have some breakfast before heading to FTY. All went great, had an awesome trip and met some awesome and super helpful people at the FBO. On Monday around 6:30PM, I topped off and headed back home to TTA.
I have ForeFlight on my iPad mini and had a borrowed ADS-B receiver. I checked the weather and re-checked the weather as I always do, I leaned out my engine properly and was carefully monitoring my fuel throughout the whole flight. In other words, I was ABSOLUTELY aware of winds aloft, any weather ahead, estimated time en route and my fuel burn. I even contacted Flight Watch about 1/3 of the way into my return trip home.
Well, I make it home, secure the plane, sit in the FBO with my girlfriend for a little bit to relax my legs and then I happily go on my way for a good night of rest.
I get a call from my instructor the next day and he tells me(in a passive aggressive tone) that I had only landed with 5 gallons left(I rent from the school I trained at). I told him I was aware and I didn't stop to fill up because I'd rather not fly at night unless I absolutely have to. He kept saying that "I was cutting it too close" that I "didnt know if winds would change or there was a problem at the airport and couldnt land" (There are 4 airports within a 10 minute flight from my base airport that i could easily fly to).
Me typing this probably doesnt sound too bad but the way he approached the issue and the tone he had kinda bothered me..
I got my PPL 4 months ago and I have logged about 40 hours in those last 4 months. I'm still a rookie pilot in my own eyes, but to call me and in a way insult my decision making or making me look like I fly reckless to the owners of the school is just not okay with me.
I landed with 45 minutes left in the tank, I feel more comfortable not flying at night. I had virtually unlimited resources keeping track of any changing weather(foreflight and ads-b).
I called the owners the next day and told them I was well aware of my fuel, and wouldnt have had put myself and the airplane in jeopardy. They said that the instructor was the one to make a fuss about it, but thanks for calling them and showing that I care.
Am I in the wrong?
Is it okay for him to call me and essentially B*%ch me out?
In the other hand, I understand his concern but maybe approach me different?
I still think I didnt make a "wrong decision" but please chime in..
Edit: I started changing the subject and we had a 30 minute conversation about flying and his new students, etc..
I'm not mad at him, but I just felt like he was giving me a hard time without knowing all of the facts.
Once again, if I am wrong, I am wrong