My AirVenture '08 Tickets available


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 19, 2005
Romeoville, IL
Display Name

Display name:
Grant Prellwitz
Because of Leslie's surgery, we aren't going to be using the three days of AirVenture tickets I purchased ahead of time, and I'm offering them for sale. They ARE transferable! (Thank you EAA!) They are 3 EAA Member & Spouse tickets. My cost was $114 because I purchased them at advance prices. Current price on the website would be $126. The purchaser must be an EAA member when they use them!

PM me if you're interested! said:
[FONT=arial,helvetica][/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica]Daily tickets allow for admission on any single day of the event. Tickets are required for admission beginning Sunday, July 27th, but Monday’s ticket may be used for both Sunday, July 27th and Monday July 28th.

[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica]How do I transfer a ticket to someone else?
We give customers the ability to transfer a ticket purchased online to a third party. The process is simple and can save you money and heartache with tickets you can't use or want to share with others. When you purchased tickets, you were assigned a Transaction ID and a PIN. When you wish to transfer a ticket, go to the Main Page and click on Transfer Tickets. You will be prompted to enter your Transaction ID and your PIN. You will be shown a list of tickets associated with those ID numbers and asked to select the tickets you wish to transfer. You will then be asked to enter the name of the persons to whom you wish to transfer the tickets and that person's email address. Then you enter a 4-digit PIN and click "Transfer." An email containing a "link" will be sent to the party to whom you are transferring the tickets. When the email is received the new owner clicks on the link, and is taken to the Main Page. The recipient then clicks on "Print Tickets Transferred to You ," and will then be prompted to enter the Transaction ID and PIN as security checks. If the information is entered correctly, the new ticket holder is then prompted to print out the ticket that has been transferred. Remember, the old ticket has been canceled and cannot be used. If it is presented at the venue, it will be invalid.
Well, it looks like we're going after all, though only for a single day. I'm hoping that the others I'm going with will purchase the other four tickets, but if someone wants them, send me a PM.
I've been looking for the prices at the gate, as opposed to buying them when I arrive. I am an EAA member (brand new member) and am curiouis if there is a cost difference in buying the tickets once I get there, or doing it online. I haven't seen anything on the website stating the advantage of buying early. I have seen the advantage of being an EAA member however.

There WAS an advantage to buying them online, about a $2/ticket savings. I got these during that period. But another member of my flying club has spoken for these. (Yesterday, in fact!)