My Airport wedding!


Pattern Altitude
Nov 22, 2018
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I married the love of my life Saturday. Ya know you found a keeper when they want to get married at the airport! We got to share aviation with a lot of non-aviators! We had four planes fly in for it- including our officiant. We are in central MI and two of those flights were from Indiana. My friend owns a big hangar and he graciously let us use it, he was also my best man. We pulled our plane in as if she was a guest and polished her up and had her on display. I sat a lot of kiddos into the pilots seat to check it out. I arrived via taxiing up in my friends 172 and after vows we walked out and took a flight around the pattern. It was a great night! The cherry on top was my 86 year old mom danced the entire night! I’ve not seen mom have that much fun in a long time!

Set up before guests arrivedD67C8FFA-75F8-478A-A482-17FBBCA2C24E.jpeg
Me pulling up for the ceremony46AB000E-05F7-4A8C-9B68-3B4309BF7F4B.jpeg
Walking in with my best man - he loaned me his c150 years ago to get my ticket in. 9C87E1A6-730E-49B6-8DFC-F7492468A98E.jpeg
the ceremony- folks at table in foreground are all flying family.09809B46-40A9-4575-809D-2BAAAC79FFD8.jpeg
Walking out with my beautiful bride.69370FCB-2110-4B56-85BA-DE5EC2E8212B.jpeg
Our new blended family- which has blended beautifully over the summer. A7363673-95E0-4F02-BE6C-BF564D12150D.jpeg
gotta have cake! 815B6E58-60B7-4CB0-8953-185E8A987506.jpeg
walking out for our hop around the pattern 40A5555C-AAB3-4216-B101-23FC7EC5CFED.jpeg
Pics with “Shirley” our 1947 Cessna 140
Bride loaded up for our pattern hop.
Now that's class! Congrats! Now you have something else that will help you spend you money! :D
Now that's class! Congrats! Now you have something else that will help you spend you money! :D

for sure! But she loves the plane so she’s all for spending cash on ol Shirley :). I was dragging my feet getting adsb- she said “why are we waiting it’ll cost money in a few years too- may as well get it in so we can fly in wherever we want”. #keeper. :)
Congrats! Looks like you had a great time and like you said, you've got a keeper!

I was married 22 years to a woman who hated flying. I'm now enjoying a life with my girlfriend who loved flying with me so much she's working on getting her PPL. Nice having things in common!
Dude, awesome pictures, congratulations! I love the family pic in front of the airplane!
I was married 22 years to a woman who hated flying. I'm now enjoying a life with my girlfriend who loved flying with me so much she's working on getting her PPL. Nice having things in common!

My wife, who hates flying, was shoulder surfing to look at the photos. She was enjoying the thread right up until we got to your post... :)
Looks like a great day, and the start of a wonderful life!

My bride and I married in our (then) 172 @ 3k over one of the local lakes 13 years ago, with a preacher and my (now) step-son in the back seat. Swapped controls for the vows. It just keeps getting better and better!

Congrats! Sounds like you guys had some fun with it!

we really did! Ya hear of stories of how drama filled weddings can get- ours was not we wouldn’t allow it, we worked hard to make sure it was a truly fun night for everyone and it really was! I’m not sure how it could have went any better! :)
Looks like a great day, and the start of a wonderful life!

My bride and I married in our (then) 172 @ 3k over one of the local lakes 13 years ago, with a preacher and my (now) step-son in the back seat. Swapped controls for the vows. It just keeps getting better and better!


that's awesome!!!

We thought about an at altitude ceremony. And yours sounds really special and top notch. The reason we went with an on the ground ceremony was it’s her first wedding and so she wanted some of the traditional trappings and I wanted my mom to be there for it. I’m really close with my mom shes 86 and has some dimentia issues, she’s from the generation that believes a man needs a woman to take care of him and I wanted her to know in these later years of her life while she’s still pretty much with it that I was “taken care of” so her mind is at rest about that.

You have pics? Post em up - I’d love to see em!
A friend of mine who got married at VKX (in the round hangar) has pictures of him carrying his wife across the runway threshold.
Pure awesomeness! Congrats!!

OP is definitely overchicked. Congrats on that too! :thumbsup:
Nawww…. You’ve got a 140, so just step up to a 150 to fit the whole family. :)

that’s not an upgrade- third wheel is on the wrong end :)

I thought you meant a c150 and couldn’t figure out your thinking! Lol. Till I clicked the link!

I did just buy a c150 to see if the kiddos will take lessons as they said the tailwheel intimidates them- now they seem cool to the idea that we have a tricycle… luckily the markets good as I’ll just have to sell it if they don’t start lessons.
Congratulations! That looks like an amazing day on so many levels!
It seems every C-140 has a story or two.

Add this to the list!



they sure do! I’ve worked to gather mines history here n there… at 74 years old and 23 owners she has some tales! I bought her in NE yet her original home was 40 miles from home where the local Chrysler dealer bought her and would fly his wife down to what is today Detroit metro where Chrysler would have two new cars waiting for her- one hitched to the other and she would drive them back- that helped Charles Moore justify the $3,550 purchase. She was ground looped in 72 when a student pilot on his solo had the window pop open and he thought he should close it instead of keeping her straight. She sat wrecked till late 70s when a guy going through an ugly divorce bought her and restored her to keep his sanity… he only got to fly it for a short time and became ill. He couldn't emotionally let her go so she sat and rotted away in a hangar before being revitalized again in the late 80s and was owned by some flying clubs. Then her and I met, and she’s now very much a part of the family.
Congrats!! Great story....looks like everyone had a great time, too.
Happened upon this scene as we taxied by at Visalia CA a few years ago ,..

Back when I owned a Cherokee 140 at Van Nuys, CA, a pilot friend asked me to help out. He was soon to be married (although we had counseled him), and asked me to fly him and his bride the 12 nautical miles from Van Nuys to Santa Monica after the wedding so they could evade rowdy well-wishers. They planned to have a car waiting for them at KSMO.

On the appointed day I decked out the airplane's interior with paper wedding bells and ribbon and waited for them, certain that they would have changed clothes before coming to the airport.


She showed up in full wedding gown and he in tux. I'll let those of you with Cherokee 140 experience visualize the two of them squeezing into the back seats, while her brother took the shotgun position (fortunately there was minimal fuel aboard).

Screen Shot 2021-10-20 at 6.15.34 AM.jpg