Much as I hate Vick, I laughed


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
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Everything Offends Me

I hate Michael Vick, I hate Family Guy, but holy cow, this made me laugh hard.

is funny in the right context, IMHO... and Family Guy is the right context. :D

is funny in the right context, IMHO... and Family Guy is the right context. :D
Ya never know though. I still know people who are screaming redfaced mad that there was a show called Hogan's Heroes. When one considers that Sgt Schultz and Col. Klink were both portrayed by Jews one has to wonder if there are some things that are as you said. I do know that Werner Klemperer (Klink) had it written in his contract that his character was to never be written in a sympathetic way.
Ya never know though. I still know people who are screaming redfaced mad that there was a show called Hogan's Heroes. When one considers that Sgt Schultz and Col. Klink were both portrayed by Jews one has to wonder if there are some things that are as you said. I do know that Werner Klemperer (Klink) had it written in his contract that his character was to never be written in a sympathetic way.

Another very funny show... I figure that if the many Jews involved in producing that thought it was funny, that's good enough for me. And FIW, I have Jewish ancestors who had their own unpleasant stories to tell.

It was simply one way a bunch of comedy writers, etc. could make fun of Nazis (and not the death camps but the POW camps, where officers in particular were usually treated quite well), while also taking a poke at legendary films like Stalag 17 (the producers of which sued the Hogan's Heroes team... no sense of humor, those guys).
Comedy writers and actors are more effective when they're making comedy, no matter how serious the topic or setting.
It reminds me of The Producers... which was even more brilliant in that it made fun of making fun of such a grim topic. :D A talented comedian or humorist cannot resist such a big, fat juicy subject.

It's satire- nothing is sacred in satire, except the truth. ;) I guess it's not for everybody, but personally I think it's healthy. "For everything...a time to weep and a time to laugh", as Ecclesiastes once said.
Which reminds me of another, very serious look at that time and place: Schindler's List. There was one part that made me laugh (when some kid is looking for a place to hide and others are hid somewhere already and tell him he can't come in), but that was also the part that finally got me crying. I think comedy is born of pain, whether it's somebody slipping on a banana peel or the ludicrous nature of war or even genocide.

I've always respected Klemperer for taking on that role (at great risk to his career and his reputation as a respected Jewish German artist), and of course for insisting that Klink never win... in the end, that of course made Klink even funnier...he simply could not win, ever. :D
Ya never know though. I still know people who are screaming redfaced mad that there was a show called Hogan's Heroes. When one considers that Sgt Schultz and Col. Klink were both portrayed by Jews one has to wonder if there are some things that are as you said. I do know that Werner Klemperer (Klink) had it written in his contract that his character was to never be written in a sympathetic way.

Or All in the Family... for that matter.
Ya never know though. I still know people who are screaming redfaced mad that there was a show called Hogan's Heroes. When one considers that Sgt Schultz and Col. Klink were both portrayed by Jews one has to wonder if there are some things that are as you said. I do know that Werner Klemperer (Klink) had it written in his contract that his character was to never be written in a sympathetic way.

Another very funny show... I figure that if the many Jews involved in producing that thought it was funny, that's good enough for me. And FIW, I have Jewish ancestors who had their own unpleasant stories to tell.

It was simply one way a bunch of comedy writers, etc. could make fun of Nazis (and not the death camps but the POW camps, where officers in particular were usually treated quite well), while also taking a poke at legendary films like Stalag 17 (the producers of which sued the Hogan's Heroes team... no sense of humor, those guys).
Comedy writers and actors are more effective when they're making comedy, no matter how serious the topic or setting.
I've always respected Klemperer for taking on that role (at great risk to his career and his reputation as a respected Jewish German artist), and of course for insisting that Klink never win... in the end, that of course made Klink even funnier...he simply could not win, ever. :D
Funny. My TiVo suggested Hogan Heroes in HD on one of the HD cable channels,. They must have rescanned the film source. You can count wrinkles on Col. Clink and Gen. Buerkholder. I always thought they hid the Nazi swastika in favor of the iron cross but it's there on the staff cars.

Robert Clary (LeBeau) not only was a French Jew, he was sent to a concentration camp during the war and members of his family were killed. Imagine what working on the show was like to him.

I didn't know Werner Klemperer and John Banner were Jewish.
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I didn't know Werner Klemperer and John Banner were Jewish.

Werner Klemperer was also a very, very accomplished classical musician and conductor.

Many of the German soldiers appearing in 1960's TV shows were Jewish. Ed Asner was in a "Rat Patrol" episode as well as many other Jewish actors of that period.

Look at the names of many "Indians" in 50's and 60's Westerns. Mostly Italians. :D
Another very funny show... I figure that if the many Jews involved in producing that thought it was funny, that's good enough for me.
"Mad" magazine ran a parody of Hogans' Heroes, like it did of most TV shows back then. It ended by the show being changed to "Hochman's Heroes," set in a concentration camp....

Ron Wanttaja
I loved Hogan's Heroes when it was on and have recently got back into via reruns. It was a really good show. Considering that the audience for it at the time it was on was mostly WW2 vets in their 40 and 50s I can see why it was so successful. My dad and I would watch it and laugh at the idiot Nazis. But like I said there were others that could never see anything funny about a Nazi and I can understand that too. I will credit being in the middle of all of those discussion for my inappropriate sense of humor!
Mel Brooks one said that if a man is walking down the street, falls down a manhole an dies, it's comedy. If a man cuts himself shaving it's tragedy.

Autofocus is a movie about the life and death of Bob Crane, who is played by Greg Kinnear, if anyone is interested.
Autofocus is a movie about the life and death of Bob Crane, who is played by Greg Kinnear, if anyone is interested.

I like Greg Kinnear in just about anything. I've seen Autofocus and thought it portrayed the troubled life of Bob Crane very well.
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Meant to spell "thought" and forgot the t at the end.

Sorry to leave you hanging Ed, I know you obsess on my every word here.

I knew what you meant, but I couldn't let it pass. :D