movie "planes" preview AirVenture Friday night

Double plus points to the aircraft owner who eventually paints his aircraft to look like one of the characters in the movie.

I've always wanted to find an old tow-truck and re-create a Mater of my own.

Wish we could show it earlier, now have to make 21 hour drive home to Colorado in 2 days.

I won't lie, I'm pretty excited about the movie. The kids are ready to watch and it should be good way to end the week!
We are. Uhh I, I mean my kids are excited too. We rarely go to the theater to see a picture show. I think we will be first in line for this one. :blueplane:
I have a bad feeling about this. Pixar was going to make this a straight to DVD release, but Disney overrode them. Pixar has been very good about maintaining high quality in its releases, if they didn't want it released theatrically I suspect there is a good reason why. Disney has been far spottier in the quality department.