More Young Eagles fun today


Final Approach
Feb 21, 2005
Southwest MO
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Tom and I took 35 more Young Eagles today; another group of great kids!

There is nothing like seeing the look of a 13-year-old girl as she has her hands on the yoke and she sees that SHE can fly an airplane. That look is priceless!

The kids had a new way today of deciding who would sit in front. Rock, paper, scissors. :)

They all really love to yell “CLEAR!” out the window before I start the engine. Then we talk about safety and why we do that. They enjoy being part of the procedure, AND they get to yell. :D
Here are a few comments from the 70 thank you notes I got yesterday (their spelling errors have not been corrected.) :)

Thanks for taking us flying over Lamar. Lamar looks bigger than it is from the ground. I was really surprised. Last year when we went flying I was so absorbed in the airplane that I forgot to look down. Mr. Tom Richards was really nice, thank you! I thought Jordan was gonna barf while we were in the air. You guys are really the greatest truly! I hope to see you guys next year. Please be there!
Your friend forever, A.S.

Thank you for taking us flying. Thanks for letting me piolte the plane. When I got in a plane for the first time (last year) in Max’s plane, I cried. But I love flying now so I hope you keep doing this because it’s good for kids to be up in a little plane before a big one. So thank you sooo much for taking us flying. We all enjoyed it!!!
Sincerely, C.
p.s. I can’t wait till next year!

It is so nice that you guys do this for us every year. It’s so wonderful! I look forward to this trip every time. I know how much you guys sacrifice for us. I love you all. This is the only time I ever get to fly. It is so fun! I hope to see you next year.
Love, A.

Thank you so very much for taking us flying! It was so fun and I enjoyed it so much! I will never forget all the fun times that I had in the plane and at the airport. You’re wonderful and I hope you inspire others to read so they can have as much fun as I did!

Thank you so much for taking us flying. It’s always so beautiful up there like Mr. Roger’s neighborhood. I love it! Everyone was really nice. I want to get my pilots license as soon as I can. Thank you again!

Thank you so much for taking me on my first trip flying! It was so totally cool man, I mean, the houses looked like a miniature play set! I think it was neat as can be, don’t you think? Anyhow, thanks for letting me steer. Not every body gets to steer a plane on their first trip! But I was expecting a jet plane, you know, or a passenger plane. But it was still fun and exciting! Anyhow, thanks-a-million and expect me next year!
That last one struck me as the funniest. He was expecting a jet but found the Citabria to be acceptable! I suppose prior to this he thought all of us private pilots flew jets?
LOL! So, are jet planes next for you, Diana?

Totally cool, man! And I'm also glad Jordan didn't barf!
Toby said:
LOL! So, are jet planes next for you, Diana?

Totally cool, man! And I'm also glad Jordan didn't barf!

LOL! Yes, we are ALL glad Jordan didn't barf. :yes: