More Time Yet...


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler

...turns out LGA is down to one runway, so I am in an MD80, and we're number eleventeen hundred for takeoff.

Flight scheduled for departure at 1430 EDT, looks like, if we are lucky, another hour.

Runway 22 in service, with a tailwind; our MD80 cannot accept that.



Edit: rwy 13 has a crack, being repaired with fast-set epoxy, maybe an hour.

Double goody.
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Air Traffic Control System Command Center said:
General Departure Delays: Due to RWY:Maintenance, traffic is experiencing Gate Hold and Taxi delays between 45 minutes and 59 minutes in length and decreasing.

...turns out LGA is down to one runway, so I am in an MD80, and we're number eleventeen hundred for takeoff.

Flight scheduled for departure at 1430 EDT, looks like, if we are lucky, another hour.

Runway 22 in service, with a tailwind; our MD80 cannot accept that.



Edit: rwy 13 has a crack, being repaired with fast-set epoxy, maybe an hour.

Double goody.

It's those widdle planes and the high priced CEOs in corporate jets getting ahead of you. :rolleyes:
/me thinks Spike needs to use the Bo more often. :yes:

Lessee. That's 4.5 from KTEB to KSIK, fill the plane with cheap fuel, stuff yourself silly at Lambert's, underway after 1.5, and 2.6 later you're home. Basically, 8 1/2 clock hours to make the same trip. How long did you sit on the taxiway at LGA? Life's too short to waste in the back of a cattle car. :yes:
Well, as it worked out, I was in the front of the cattle car, but the point remains valid.

Mike said:
It's those widdle planes and the high priced CEOs in corporate jets getting ahead of you. :rolleyes:

Funny you should mention that...

...the pilot speaking from the flight deck (I know not whether it was Cpt or FO) made a point of saying that the delays they experienced were not just due to the runway, but also to the crowded NYC airspace and the need for upgraded ATC facilities.

Ummm, no. As soon as the runway was fixed, planes were popping out of the airport like bunnies in the spring.

A shame to hear a pilot parroting the lies of the ATA.
Sounds good when you say it, but then you do it and find it's really a 12-hour trip and you sit on the ground at TEB for two hours. Then you can't get over or around the big weather system over the Mississippi valley and spend an extra night. Some days you just shut up and ride the smoker.

/me thinks Spike needs to use the Bo more often. :yes:

Lessee. That's 4.5 from KTEB to KSIK, fill the plane with cheap fuel, stuff yourself silly at Lambert's, underway after 1.5, and 2.6 later you're home. Basically, 8 1/2 clock hours to make the same trip. How long did you sit on the taxiway at LGA? Life's too short to waste in the back of a cattle car. :yes:
Edit: rwy 13 has a crack, being repaired with fast-set epoxy, maybe an hour.

Double goody.

Aww heck.. They could use JB-Qwik and it would be set in 4 minutes!! :D
Sounds good when you say it, but then you do it and find it's really a 12-hour trip and you sit on the ground at TEB for two hours. Then you can't get over or around the big weather system over the Mississippi valley and spend an extra night. Some days you just shut up and ride the smoker.

Well, TEB was just the first airport I thought of, and it would probably be next to my last choice were I to actually fly to NYC. And are there really 2-hour delays there? :yikes:

As to the weather - I've done quite a few long cross countries and I find that as long as the weather around the departure and the destination airports are OK, the stuff in the middle doesn't add much time as long as you're paying attention to it. If there's a big storm in MO, you just go to the south. Going 200nm off the direct track really doesn't add much to the length of a 1200nm trip - Only about 20 minutes in Spike's case. I've never had to cancel a long cross country due to enroute weather. Besides, if I were to fly to NYC via GA, I wouldn't be delayed by TSRA over Atlanta, for example.

GA isn't perfectly reliable for travel, but I think if you're instrument rated, current, and proficient and you have a good traveling airplane like a Bo, it's on par with the reliability of the airlines and you have more control over your destiny with GA.

Plus, it's fun. :yes:
Well, TEB was just the first airport I thought of, and it would probably be next to my last choice were I to actually fly to NYC. And are there really 2-hour delays there? :yikes:
Yes, but it's still much better than LaGuardia for GA.
Yes, but it's still much better than LaGuardia for GA.

Quite right.

Of course, the meetings I was attending were all at a hotel which was across the street from LaGuardia Airport. Hotel was pretty crappy, explaining why there were so many aircrew there.

Still and all, I love New Yorkers. They're a lively breed.
Of course, the meetings I was attending were all at a hotel which was across the street from LaGuardia Airport. Hotel was pretty crappy, explaining why there were so many aircrew there.
I think I've stayed in that hotel...

Still and all, I love New Yorkers. They're a lively breed.
I like NY and New Yorkers but then I grew up not too far away.
Yes, but it's still much better than LaGuardia for GA.

And TEB is fine on weekends. I've been in and out of there several times to visit friends on weekends with no long waits. Even got in there and out when my transponder crapped out one Saturday.
And, you can always depart TEB VFR and pick up your clearance with Wilkes Barre TRSA or some other cooperative entity....

I flew to Austin & back in the Matrix last week. Fun. Mixed it up with some wx in Tx, took it to FL210 on the way back to get over more wx over OH and PA. Finished with an approach to mins. No angry flight attendants. No stupid TSA thugs. No check-in lines. No airport delays. Good times.