...turns out LGA is down to one runway, so I am in an MD80, and we're number eleventeen hundred for takeoff.
Flight scheduled for departure at 1430 EDT, looks like, if we are lucky, another hour.
Runway 22 in service, with a tailwind; our MD80 cannot accept that.
Edit: rwy 13 has a crack, being repaired with fast-set epoxy, maybe an hour.
Double goody.
...turns out LGA is down to one runway, so I am in an MD80, and we're number eleventeen hundred for takeoff.
Flight scheduled for departure at 1430 EDT, looks like, if we are lucky, another hour.
Runway 22 in service, with a tailwind; our MD80 cannot accept that.
Edit: rwy 13 has a crack, being repaired with fast-set epoxy, maybe an hour.
Double goody.
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