More animal cruelty


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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Yesterday A NFL player was charged with holding dog fights on his property. What a sick ...... he is!

Then today I am reading the paper this morning and see this.

It is difficult to quantify the will to live, but a tiny kitten that was set on fire and nearly burned to death is as good an example as any.
Wrapped in towels in a cage at the Animal Hospital of Cotati, Adam, as the hospital staff calls him, is struggling to survive against all odds.
The kitten was only 8 weeks old June 19 when two 15-year-old girls allegedly poured flammable liquid on him while he was trapped in a cage and lit a match.
An 11-year-old boy and his friend saw the smoke and heard the cat shrieking amid what they described as the girls' laughter. They found the kitten cowering near death in bushes next to a creek and brought him to the apartment manager.

What the heck is wrong with people? If we cannot show compassion and care for animals we sure as heck cannot for each other. Well I guess that is true when one looks at the state of the world.

BTW here is a picture of little Adam

Looks like a cute little guy. There is money coming in to help him out and I am sure he will be adopted.
oh my God! I'm speechless!

Michael Vick and those girls deserve a special place in hell.
oh my God! I'm speechless!

Michael Vick and those girls deserve a special place in hell.

Indeed they do! I just cannot fathom the kind of sick, demented, mind that would even come up with the thought of doing something as cruel and sick as that. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Michael Vick and those girls deserve a special place in hell.
Almost makes me hope there is an afterlife just so's they can get theirs.

I hope Michael Vick gets just enough prison time to cost him his youth, and therefore his career. 5 years out of his prime should be, what, a $50 million "fine"?
This kind of stuff was one of the things I hated most about being a police detective - I hated seeing it (luckily it is rare), I hated hearing about it, I hated how it made (and still makes) me feel toward the people that do this sort of stuff.

I just can't stand it. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Indeed they do! I just cannot fathom the kind of sick, demented, mind that would even come up with the thought of doing something as cruel and sick as that. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

It's one of the singular most disgusting things on the planet. The way humans treat each other really gets under my skin; but doing that to a helpless animal, in the name of fun, well, is just plain old f'd up.

My sister works at Tufts Vet School and they see a lot of this. Sometimes, just sometimes, I wish I could find the people who do this...

Someone who began animal cruelty so early in life is likely to progress to much more with humans. It's only a sign of what's to come. I hope something can be changed with these girls. There's time but not much.

I can't explain Vick. This guy is worth millions and obviously set for life with good money management. So, there's something much deeper that drives the desire to intentionally fight one animal against another.

Arthur Blank cut his overseas trip short to return for talks with team and league officials. Right now, Vick's scheduled court appearance is the same day as the first day of training camp according to a radio report a bit ago. I've gotten the impression Arthur Blank isn't as forgiving when it comes to players sticking to morals clauses. He may not be fired until he's convicted but I'm sure he could be suspended pending the outcome, hopefully without pay.
I can't explain Vick. This guy is worth millions and obviously set for life with good money management. So, there's something much deeper that drives the desire to intentionally fight one animal against another.

I can explain him. He's a low life dirt bag. I think people should be subjected to whatever cruelty they do to animals. OK, now I'm really mad! :mad:
There was a similar case a few week ago in Nashville. Three punks poured gasoline over a dog and set it ablaze. All three have been caught and the DA is considering trying (sp?) them as adults to ensure they don't leave custody on their 18th birthdays.

When I heard the story I was literally sick to my stomach and as ****ed off as I can recall being.
I can't explain Vick. This guy is worth millions
$$$$ do not make people good people. Many of these guys who come into money like this have little in the way of a moral compass. Giving them more money just means that they can be more elaborate in their stupidity. Just look at Britney Spears to see that concept.
I think both cases are absolutely disgusting. And I also think that they pale in comparison to what people do to each other on a daily basis in this country.
Like I said in the thread I started about Vick, he's a scumbag, and I wish I could personally break both of his legs and repeatedly kick him in the junk.

Then sick a dog on his junk.

Then electrocute his junk.

And watch him squirm, in the same ways the dogs he killed squirmed before they died.
Nick, you seem repressed. You might consider being more forthright about your feelings. :yes:

There are evil human beings in this world. Always have been and always will be.

I've been meaning to read this book that was on Booknotes about Evil.

Evil: an Investigation by Lance Morrow
$$$$ do not make people good people. Many of these guys who come into money like this have little in the way of a moral compass. Giving them more money just means that they can be more elaborate in their stupidity. Just look at Britney Spears to see that concept.

More succinctly, you can take a boy out of the hood, but...:(
What these girls did was wrong and sick beyond belief...

but it also shows how wrong and sick we are to allow children to be raised to think this is ok.

What these girls did was wrong and sick beyond belief...

but it also shows how wrong and sick we are to allow children to be raised to think this is ok.


I wonder if they were raised at all. I won't write what I'd actually like to see happen but I at least hope they see jail time and none of this "oh they are only 15 crap".
I wonder if they were raised at all. I won't write what I'd actually like to see happen but I at least hope they see jail time and none of this "oh they are only 15 crap".

Exactlly which is why all 2-4 parents (depending on if the girls were sisters) should be found and jailed right next to their offspring.
More succinctly, you can take a boy out of the hood, but...:(

Well I disagree with that characterization. What I was saying is that there are some people who do not have class to begin with and having them get money will not change that. The Hollywood types as well as many sports type tipify that failing. But that is not to say that poor people are criminals without money.
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Well I disagree with that characterization. What I was saying is that there are some people who do not have class to begin with and having them get money will not change that. The Hollywood types as well as many sports type tipify that failing. But that is not to say that all poor people are criminals without money.

I agree. I am personally familiar with several serial killer and serial rapist cases involving suspects who grew up quite comfortably - well, at least socio-economic-wise.
I wonder if they were raised at all. I won't write what I'd actually like to see happen but I at least hope they see jail time and none of this "oh they are only 15 crap".

There are plenty of people that believe that crap. If you don't know right from wrong by the time you're in 4th grade, or thereabouts, you never will. Those two need to be in one of two places: 1) a secured mental hospital; or 2) the DOC.

I grew up on a farm way outside town limits. People used to bring their puppies and kittens out here and throw them out the windows. At best, they'd be left in boxes alongside the roads. We'd find them with their tails cut off, their legs broken, & c. We'd take them, my neighbors/cousins (say what you will) would take them, people down the street would take them. They've all made fine pets.

I, nor my parents, never caught anyone dumping them - they'd do it in the dead of night. I carried a breaker bar in my car specifically for use on the things that would do something like that, and I make no empty threat when I say it would have been used had I ever caught anyone.
I agree. I am personally familiar with several serial killer and serial rapist cases involving suspects who grew up quite comfortably - well, at least socio-economic-wise.

What it comes down to is that there are a lot of bad people in the world. I've decided that crime is generational - you reach that conclusion when you've got the father in big boy court on Wednesday, and the two sons in juvenile court on Thursday.

And then your dad tells you he had the grandparents when they were kids and adults.

And then you realize the two sons already have a kid apiece, and wonder if your child will be dealing with them in 15 years or so.
I have a suggestion for the death penalty on that guy. None of this lethal injection crap, I say a trip to alligator alley with two big hams strapped to his sides.

Read this story; you probably remember it. Makes you wonder though. A cat, with a brain not much bigger than a walnut, sacrifices 8 of her 9 lives to save her kittens. Yet we have crackheads selling kids for a hit, people throwing kids to the alligators, kids pouring gasoline on cats. Sick sick sick.

It's sad that a cat can make humanity seem so worthless.
I think you've hit the nail right on the head. Disengaged parents I'll betcha.
Not always. I knew a kid when I was about 10 or 12 who once dug a hole in which he planned to bury a neighbor's cat up to the head and then run over it with a lawnmower. And his parents were as hands on as any. (That plan was thwarted by peer pressure, but he did once swing it around by the tail and threw it against a wall.)

Some people are just bad eggs.

Read this story; you probably remember it. Makes you wonder though. A cat, with a brain not much bigger than a walnut, sacrifices 8 of her 9 lives to save her kittens. Yet we have crackheads selling kids for a hit, people throwing kids to the alligators, kids pouring gasoline on cats. Sick sick sick.

It's sad that a cat can make humanity seem so worthless.

and if you read the whole story, you'll see the whining about "no one was this outraged when a local 16 yr old was killed" and you can see why. Animals don't do "all of the above".
Not always. I knew a kid when I was about 10 or 12 who once dug a hole in which he planned to bury a neighbor's cat up to the head and then run over it with a lawnmower. And his parents were as hands on as any. (That plan was thwarted by peer pressure, but he did once swing it around by the tail and threw it against a wall.)

Some people are just bad eggs.

Point taken. But I do believe that disengaged parents have children inclined to such behavior more often than otherwise. Children will usually acquire an ethos from somewhere, if not their parents.
Point taken. But I do believe that disengaged parents have children inclined to such behavior more often than otherwise. Children will usually acquire an ethos from somewhere, if not their parents.
No argument there. It goes beyond this kind of behavior, too. For example, we have been pretty happy with the public schools in Florida -- because we buy houses based on schools and pick schools where the parents are very involved. Like you say, there's an ethos there you can't get from people who consider schools nothing but government-sponsored baby sitting.
Psychiatrists, Sociologists, and Psychologists will all determine it's a bad gene and therefor they are not to be held responsible for their acts. Give them pills and send them on their way.
It's the way of the world.
Animal cruelty ranks right up there with child abuse, spousal abuse, and pedophelia. I have seen stuff like this on numerous occasions while helping out in the vet clinic (The co-owner of my plane is a vet).
I also remember doing my pediatric phych. rotation in school and a number of the kids were in there for cruelty to animals.
these people should be dealt with harshly and swiftly.:mad:
I absolutely have no passion for people who hurt animals. Even the pound, despite their best intentions, makes me uncomfortable. We adopted two dogs and three cats from there. Anybody who wants a pet should seriously look there first, they put the dogs down after a month and only if they're in good health. The kittens don't usually stick around more than a week.
I absolutely have no passion for people who hurt animals. Even the pound, despite their best intentions, makes me uncomfortable. We adopted two dogs and three cats from there. Anybody who wants a pet should seriously look there first, they put the dogs down after a month and only if they're in good health. The kittens don't usually stick around more than a week.

I agree. All but one of our cats over the years have come from animal shelters. We also tend to adopt adult animal over kittens as the older one are well behaved and need a home. They are so grateful that they now have a fmaily that I think they make the best adoptees.
I agree. All but one of our cats over the years have come from animal shelters. We also tend to adopt adult animal over kittens as the older one are well behaved and need a home. They are so grateful that they now have a fmaily that I think they make the best adoptees.

The only cat I've had adopted us. The vet thought she was around 5 when we got her. She just hung around our house until we took her in. Great pet and I'm not a cat person.