Moffett Field


Line Up and Wait
Nov 19, 2011
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Does anyone know if it's possible to land at Moffett Field? The Collings Foundation is coming there with the ME-262 soon and hoped to go see it. A seriously scary airplane.
AirNav says it's private, then says it's publicly owned but it's owned by NASA which doesn't sound too public, even though we pay for it.....
It would be easy enough to just call the contact number but hoped someone with knowledge of the procedure had a tip on how to go about the request to insure the best result.
I've never seen anything other than military aircraft landing at Moffett Field. However recently I did notice the airport beacon at Moffett Field is white-green, not white-white-green. Made me wonder.
Does anyone know if it's possible to land at Moffett Field?
I landed there 2 or 3 years ago. The only reason I could was that there was a special event that I was part of. I'm sure that somebody jumped through a million hoops to get permission for a bunch of 172s to land for the event. Then I needed to deal with getting NASA as named insured on the airplane insurance policy. Then I needed to fill out some other paperwork saying I wouldn't sue them if I crashed. Then I needed to call "base ops" to get a special code number to tell the tower to get permission to land. etc. So is it possible? Yes. Is this something you'll be able to do or that I'll ever be able to do again? Probably not. -Paul
I landed there 2 or 3 years ago. The only reason I could was that there was a special event that I was part of. I'm sure that somebody jumped through a million hoops to get permission for a bunch of 172s to land for the event. Then I needed to deal with getting NASA as named insured on the airplane insurance policy. Then I needed to fill out some other paperwork saying I wouldn't sue them if I crashed. Then I needed to call "base ops" to get a special code number to tell the tower to get permission to land. etc. So is it possible? Yes. Is this something you'll be able to do or that I'll ever be able to do again? Probably not. -Paul

Thanks Paul. Answered my question. Not a big fan of that kind of nonsense - so gotta drive this time.
Thanks again.
Thanks Paul. Answered my question. Not a big fan of that kind of nonsense - so gotta drive this time.
Thanks again.

You could land at PAO and call a cab.

I landed at NUQ once because they wanted the CAP airplane there for static display at an air show. I'm pretty sure you would have to be a participant rather than a spectator to land there for an event.

Do you know the dates that the ME-262 will be there?

It seems like they would have to truck it in, given its limited fuel range.
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