MO pilots


Line Up and Wait
Aug 15, 2007
KPTS, 1K4, H17
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There will be a hearing this Wednesday, 8:00 am in Jefferson City, to transfer funds from the Aviation Trust Fund ($2.3 million) to the general fund.

My understanding is the revenue was raised from a aviation fuel tax to go to airport improvement in the state.

I have a list of the committee members if anyone else is interested in contacting them and you should certainly contact your legislators.


Have you contacted the folks at AOPA? This sounds wrong and they may have some pull or at least some input.
Sounds exactly like what Tim Pawlenty did in MN in 2008. He is trying to do the same to the Boating fund this year.

Remember that when he runs for Pres.


There will be a hearing this Wednesday, 8:00 am in Jefferson City, to transfer funds from the Aviation Trust Fund ($2.3 million) to the general fund.

My understanding is the revenue was raised from a aviation fuel tax to go to airport improvement in the state.

I have a list of the committee members if anyone else is interested in contacting them and you should certainly contact your legislators.

This really stinks, but our wonderful Governor has robbed every fund he can get his greedy little hands on. With a 900 Million dollars short fall, all funds are fair game in his eyes. Just look at what he did to the State Parks fund when they got the settlement from the Taum Sauk reservoir break. That money went to departments that had nothing to do with the effected area or park.
I am just hoping he is a OTG!!!
I can give him some ideas for cuts....

In the past 2 years I've had three employees quit because they were making to much money to qualify for .......

Sorry, better not go there.:mad2: :mad3:

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Here's a copy of the letter the AOPA sent today. Quite the fast response! I'm impressed.



  • MO - SB 1000 - Mayer .pdf
    223.3 KB · Views: 23
Wow, my 39.00 at work, good for them. Especially since I enjoy a few of the airports in MO, Twin Oaks, KSIK (Lambert's) and KTKX (great bbq), and a few others thrown in for good measure.
I'd agree Wayne, I think the $39 is a bargain. The response time is impressive. We didn't have much time anyway the hearing is 8:00am Wednesday morning.
