Missing Threads


Pattern Altitude
Nov 10, 2008
Tampa, FL
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Seems a couple of threads from a certain “Captain” have disappeared. What gives?
I enjoyed seeing the world from the "Captains" perspective.

It helped me to be grateful for my life.

I am sad to see him gone.
I enjoyed seeing the world from the "Captains" perspective.

It helped me to be grateful for my life.

I am sad to see him gone.
I'd bet plenty of us here could post our annoying gripes and make you feel better. I have a hell of a story about dealing with a potential buyer of my Lance that could keep you entertained for a long while.
I'd bet plenty of us here could post our annoying gripes and make you feel better. I have a hell of a story about dealing with a potential buyer of my Lance that could keep you entertained for a long while.

Wait a sec while I grab some more popcorn.....
Care to share some of the rationale? Did you determine he was an AI bot?
The Rules of Conduct says “A moderator may choose to publicly inform the participants of a forum about bans and warnings if this is in the interest of the forum.”

Frankly, there isn’t much excitement to share, just repeated RoC violations.
I'd bet plenty of us here could post our annoying gripes and make you feel better. I have a hell of a story about dealing with a potential buyer of my Lance that could keep you entertained for a long while.
For me the hyperbole was an important part of the allure of the “captain's” posts.

I love it when I am reminded to forget.

It was a reminder that there are alternate realities.

Did you Lance buyer story leave you with a shattered life?

The perception of consequences are part of the fun for me.
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For me the hyperbole was an important part of the allure of the “captains” posts.

I love it when I am reminded to forget.

It was a reminder that there are alternate realities.

Did you Lance buyer story leave you with a shattered life?
My family and I will never be the same. Something should be done. Eh, I'm not that good at hyperbole, it annoys me too much. I'm pretty handy with righteous indignation though.
My family and I will never be the same. Something should be done. Eh, I'm not that good at hyperbole, it annoys me too much. I'm pretty handy with righteous indignation though.
Give it a try. Righteous indignation expressed well works for me.
I am less interested in the ban and more interested that the threads were deleted. You guys don't usually delete threads just because the author is banned, right?
I am less interested in the ban and more interested that the threads were deleted. You guys don't usually delete threads just because the author is banned, right?

I've always thought one should go with the other. Then you have a "cost" to the banhammer, if the user has added value at all to a forum, then moderators are forced to weigh losing those contributions. Seems only fair.

I have no idea who "Captain" is, so clearly I am not bereaved :D
I am less interested in the ban and more interested that the threads were deleted. You guys don't usually delete threads just because the author is banned, right?
Seems a couple of threads from a certain “Captain” have disappeared. What gives?
I just restored the threads for those who want to view them.

It depends @dmspilot. Within a certain set of time after a new member joins, (30 days I think) the software gives the option to “Spam Ban”. When this is chosen, it automatically bans the user and deletes all of their posts/threads. It’s basically a way to zap it all in one fell swoop if the user has spammed the forum, so we don’t have to go through one-by-one and delete their content. In this case, it looks to have been an oversight, as it was just supposed to be a “Ban” and not a “Spam Ban”. Fixed now! :)
I just restored the threads for those who want to view them.

It depends @dmspilot. Within a certain set of time after a new member joins, (30 days I think) the software gives the option to “Spam Ban”. When this is chosen, it automatically bans the user and deletes all of their posts/threads. It’s basically a way to zap it all in one fell swoop if the user has spammed the forum, so we don’t have to go through one-by-one and delete their content. In this case, it looks to have been an oversight, as it was just supposed to be a “Ban” and not a “Spam Ban”. Fixed now! :)
Thank You RyanB!
I just restored the threads for those who want to view them.

It depends @dmspilot. Within a certain set of time after a new member joins, (30 days I think) the software gives the option to “Spam Ban”. When this is chosen, it automatically bans the user and deletes all of their posts/threads. It’s basically a way to zap it all in one fell swoop if the user has spammed the forum, so we don’t have to go through one-by-one and delete their content. In this case, it looks to have been an oversight, as it was just supposed to be a “Ban” and not a “Spam Ban”. Fixed now! :)
Who is "The Captain" and where are his threads? Inquiring minds would like to know. TIA.
In this case, it looks to have been an oversight, as it was just supposed to be a “Ban” and not a “Spam Ban”. Fixed now! :)
Very understandable. Thanks for the explanation.
While weird, I think there was less ROC stuff going on with the Capitan, than Mr G5 0 degrees
For me the hyperbole was an important part of the allure of the “captain's” posts.

There were a handful of posts that got intercepted by the moderation that you didn't see. As Ryan said, multiple violations even after warnings.
Can't believe I missed it, whatever it is/was. Hangar Talk, mayhap?
Found it! Congrats to the mods for putting the posts back up for entertainment purposes. Will have to visit Training more often.