The RNAV 1 PBN specification eliminates many of the first and second generation GPS navigators. RNAV 1 is needed to fly RNAV SIDs and STARs. AC 90-100A requires the support for CF (Course to Fix) path terminators in the database. If you look at the AC 90-100A Compliance matrix you will see that most of the older GPS systems including the KLN94 don't support the CF path terminator in the database, so are not approved to use RNAV 1 based procedures. You also won't find any RNAV SIDs or STARs in the database for these older units, just conventional SIDs and STARs. They do however support RNP APCH which includes RNAV 1 segments in the terminal area (within 30 NM of the departure/destination). So the PBN RNAV 1 specification excludes these older GPS navigators, but the RNP APCH includes them without needing to support the CF path terminator in the database. CF Path terminator legs are used in some RNAV SIDs, but not in RNAV (GPS) approaches, so the RNP APCH PBN specification is more inclusive when used in an approach procedure. These procedures used to be GPS required, that morphed to RNAV 1 GPS required, and now to RNP APCH - GPS. See the foot notes in the compliance document, page 2. I hope that this is as clear as mud.