Miracle on the Hudson

by William Langewiesche

As in "Stick and Rudder' Wolfgang Langewiesche's son.

He's a great writer about flying.



  • 51z9lJLS9CL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg
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C'Mon, Greg! How much didja know before you read that about why there are so many Canada gooses around now? :D
I think that's his style of writing. This time he started off with the geese. In his article about the midair in Brazil he started off with the natives.
I think that's his style of writing. This time he started off with the geese. In his article about the midair in Brazil he started off with the natives.
I thought that was another piece of writing.
Where are you trying to send us Ms. AuntPeggy?

