Military claims aircraft "forced down" by GPS jamming


Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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So there's a lot of really weird stuff in this report...

GPS jamming. Okay... I get that. Relatively easy to do, cheap, and apparently... effective. (Assuming this isn't disinformation for the press and the North Koreans.)

Aircraft had to declare an emergency / was "forced down"? Uhh...? (Hardly.)

Other random thoughts that come to mind:

Suuuuure we should move to ADS-B with no GPS backup... sigh.

The Cold War continues with N. Korea... or as Admiral Josh Painter's character on the aircraft carrier in Hunt for Red October said...

"This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it."

(One of the great lines of that movie. And delivered by Fred Dalton who played the character, it was done well.)

Someone wants the N. Koreans to feel like they had an effect on a U.S. warplane.

Same someone probably will be doing more overflights, acting like the aircraft are "bothered" by the jamming, while recording all the appropriate transmitter location, transmitter signature, and other RF intel about the jamming system to get cracking on DSP filtering to attempt to alleviate it. :) :) :)
Oh duh... I forgot the other obvious possibility...

We were the jammers. The news story is the cover story.

I always forget that disinformation is often the opposite of what was stated.
Freaking dummies, some one at fox should learn about ECM and what it's all about.

we have no reporters, all we now have are sensationalists.
They had to make an emergency landing because their GPS took a dump? Mine's gone out and all I did was use a chart.
If this is accurate, it is disturbing to hear that GPS jamming is sufficient to shut down US military reconnaisance flight operations.
If this is accurate, it is disturbing to hear that GPS jamming is sufficient to shut down US military reconnaisance flight operations.

The term is "GPS denied". Do a google search.

Testing of US mil systems for immunity to this risk is the reason that Pax River and New Mexico (and other places) continue to have NOTAMS for civil GPS disturbance.
I can bend over and touch my toes!!! Does that mean that I have an American secret to keep from Peeps?!? Not like my dad.... Only those who worked with nuclear and biological agents would ever understand using nuclear hand grenades to see if we could stop the north vietnamies. Oooops did I say that in my outloud voice? Musta been That damn jack guy again.