Mild diabetes & depression - class 3 trouble?



Hi all,

I've wanted to fly for a long time, flying simulators at home and going up with my pilot friends. I have an opportunity now, but I am wondering about the medical before I get my hopes up. The short story is this:

  • Mild Type II diabetes - oral medicine only, no insulin. Metformin + farxiga (supposedly an allowed combo by the FAA flowchart).
    • A1C 6.8
    • No systemic issues (eyes, kidney, etc). Just had annual checkup of all these things. Good BP. Last cardiac workup was maybe 2 years ago and solid.
    • Started and been on current treatment for a little more than 1 year. Only recent modification was reducing medication roughly 5 months ago.
  • Mild depression - lowest dose of Prozac.
    • Stable on medication/dose for ~5 years.
    • History of situational anxiety roughly 8 years ago, no incidents or recurrence since then.
    • No history of suicidal ideation or other clinically significant mental health issues.
  • Hypothyroidism - on Levothyroxine
    • Surgery last year to remove half of thyroid
    • Stable on current dose of medication ~9 months
What do you think, should I even bother? Thanks for your advice.
Don’t know about the Prozac, but the FAA wants the A1C to be 6.5 or lower for the AME to issue in the office. Thyroid shouldn’t be a problem, I think half the US adult population is on synthroid. Mike, Dr B, et al will chime in with the rest.
The AME must defer for the first two but it looks like they’re issuable under an SI. Worth pursuing.

I would work with a senior AME on a consult - NOT an exam - to completely understand the standards you need to qualify under and the testing needed to show that. Then when the standards are met, your medical should go through quickly.
I would work with a senior AME on a consult - NOT an exam - .

THIS. Because you do not want a denial. That will lock you out of sport pilot and sport pilot might be good enough for the kind of flying you want to do. Do the consult first and make sure you know what will be needed to likely pass before going live with the actual exam.
Ok, great, it looks like it's worth pursuing with a good AME then.

FWIW I was only diagnosed last year with A1c >14. My A1C was 6.3 in Jan -- my doc said it was such a good improvement (diet & exercise) that he wanted to remove 1 medicine. The next test did show that increase to 6.8 but I believe if it is truly a sticking point I can reduce it back < 6.5 with even better diet and increased exercise. Which I guess I should be doing anyway ;)

Sport pilot might be OK if there is truly no other option, but my desire is to take my family as pax which wouldn't be allowed.
Sport pilot might be OK if there is truly no other option, but my desire is to take my family as pax which wouldn't be allowed.

Sure it's allowed ... you would just have to take them one at a time. :D

Diet and exercise are great things for good health. The desire to fly and take the family could be just the motivation needed to push forward!
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