Midwest stops, OSH - APA


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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When I leave OSH, I'm flying a buddy to his home in Denver (Centennial, APA). I'd like the first stop out of OSH to be less than two hours, then a longer leg (2.5 hours), and then a final leg into APA of 2 hours or less.

I tried to focus on airports with long runways, services, and weather reporting, and am thinking of this route:

KOSH - KALO (188nm, 1 h 29 m)
KALO - KEAR (316nm, 2 h 29 m)
KEAR - KAPA (277nm, 2 h 08 m)

The route looks like this:


Of course, weather will dictate the final routing, but I was hoping some of you midwest pilots might be able to provide some input on good stops or alternatives to this routing that utilize airports you enjoy or that are unique for one reason or another. A stop for lunch around the second stop is possible, if that makes a difference in suggestions.
Not sure if it's too much for your first leg, but look at KHPT as a stop instead of ALO. HPT had the cheapest gas in the area when I was still up there. Not much for service, but the FBO office stays unlocked with a clean bathroom inside.

At ALO, Livingston is not 24hr, and if the FBO isn't open, I believe it is difficult to get to/from the ramp. ALO likes to think that it is a bigger airport than it really is - including the controllers.
yea if you are outside the ramp at ALO after Livingston closes you either have to pay them to come open the gate or have a skinny girlfriend who can shimmy between the gate and the fence to open the gate from the inside.
HPT just got a load of fuel (I called them); current 100LL S/S price is $5.10/gallon, but may go up 20 or 30 cents because of this delivery--the city controls the price, and hasn't been out to adjust since the delivery. So, plenty of fuel there, but not the cheapest. KEGQ, a little further, is $4.20.

Jay, at HPT, said crop duster activity is heavy right now, and the Ag planes often aren't talking on the radio, so keep your head on a swivel coming in.
HPT just got a load of fuel (I called them); current 100LL S/S price is $5.10/gallon, but may go up 20 or 30 cents because of this delivery--the city controls the price, and hasn't been out to adjust since the delivery. So, plenty of fuel there, but not the cheapest. KEGQ, a little further, is $4.20.

Jay, at HPT, said crop duster activity is heavy right now, and the Ag planes often aren't talking on the radio, so keep your head on a swivel coming in.

I'm not sure if there is an FBO or anything at EGQ. I trained and grew up just up the road at EST. Last I was at EGQ (a while ago) the paved runway had pretty tall grass growing out the cracks. The grass runways are in really good shape though. Not sure if they have a car but there is an A&W and Pizza Hut within a mile on the west side of town there.
I'll stick with HPT; the fuel price isn't my primary selection criteria. Approaches, good runways, services near by, reported weather, etc. are.
Try 0V3 (Pioneer Village near Minden, NB ) instead of KEAR. It has Wx, Inst approaches, gas, 3900x60 foot runway (which I consider big).

Annnnnnd it has a really cool museum to visit called Pioneer Village. A guy named Harold Warp made a bunch of money on a plastic he invented. Then he just started buying stuff: airplanes, cars, his old school house, etc. All of it is housed in the museum. The museum will send someone to pick you up at the airport.
When I leave OSH, I'm flying a buddy to his home in Denver (Centennial, APA). I'd like the first stop out of OSH to be less than two hours, then a longer leg (2.5 hours), and then a final leg into APA of 2 hours or less.

I tried to focus on airports with long runways, services, and weather reporting, and am thinking of this route:

KOSH - KALO (188nm, 1 h 29 m)
KALO - KEAR (316nm, 2 h 29 m)
KEAR - KAPA (277nm, 2 h 08 m)

The route looks like this:


Of course, weather will dictate the final routing, but I was hoping some of you midwest pilots might be able to provide some input on good stops or alternatives to this routing that utilize airports you enjoy or that are unique for one reason or another. A stop for lunch around the second stop is possible, if that makes a difference in suggestions.
You're not too far away from Norfolk - which has the Barnstormers restaurant discussed here:
I might be persuaded to meet you there.
Is the famous BBQ joint still open in Scottsbluff or Ogalalla?
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There is a great new restaurant in Norfolk, NE (KOFK) called Barnstormers. Good fuel prices, exceptional runways, great food. They open at 1000. According to yur flight plane just a tad more of a straight line I think.
Try 0V3 (Pioneer Village near Minden, NB ) instead of KEAR. It has Wx, Inst approaches, gas, 3900x60 foot runway (which I consider big).

Annnnnnd it has a really cool museum to visit called Pioneer Village. A guy named Harold Warp made a bunch of money on a plastic he invented. Then he just started buying stuff: airplanes, cars, his old school house, etc. All of it is housed in the museum. The museum will send someone to pick you up at the airport.

Yep. RON'd a few years ago coming back from OSH due to weather (couldn't make it to Kearney), the hotel at the Warp Museum came and picked me up.
Very nice little FBO, the door on the FBO is unlocked, and there's a phone inside.

That said, I would go to KEAR. We RON'd there year before last when the alternator generated an internal fault on the way home from OSH. Hotel picked us up, good FBO, A&P fixed the electrical gremlins.
All in all, a nice place.
It will be weather permitting, Sunday 7/31. Time will be highly dependent on the VFR departure wait time, but we're planning to be airborne by 9am; 2 hours to the first stop is 11am. Fuel stop, then 1.5 to KOFK would put us there at 1pm for lunch.

I'll call you from HPT with a more specific ETA, so you're not sitting around waiting. Would be good to see you!
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It will be weather permitting, Sunday 7/31. Time will be highly dependent on the VFR departure wait time, but we're planning to be airborne by 9am; 2 hours to the first stop is 11am. Fuel stop, then 1.5 to KOFK would put us there at 1pm for lunch.

I'll call you from HPT with a more specific ETA, so you're not sitting around waiting. Would be good to see you!
There is a possibility that I may have arranged a method of getting to Airventure, which could likely mean that I'll be on my way back on Sunday as well. Will post when I know more.
There is a possibility that I may have arranged a method of getting to Airventure, which could likely mean that I'll be on my way back on Sunday as well. Will post when I know more.

That's even better. Would you still want to stop for lunch before heading back to Lincoln?