Meigs Destroyer Daley's Out!

Had to beat Mike with this news!
Chicago Tribune said:
Daley won't seek re-election

Mayor Richard Daley says he will not run for re-election in 2011. "The truth is I have been thinking about this for the past several months," Daley said at a City Hall news conference. "In the end this is a personal decision, no more, no less."
Ding Dong. So for you Chitown folks did he do this cause he would get beat or otherwise?
Well, of course you remember who on the presidential staff said they would like to run for mayor if Daley didn't <g>

Good luck!

Ding Dong. So for you Chitown folks did he do this cause he would get beat or otherwise?

Well, Fitzgerald has some time on his hands after the strikeouts with Blago. Perhaps Daley can be the object of his attention!
They say Jimmy Hoffa is under the concrete in some stadium parking lot. It would be only fitting if some day Daley's ashes were mixed with the concrete of a resurrected Meigs Field.
I wonder what he will destroy on his last day in office ( in the middle of the night of course !!) :wink2:
I would be very surprised if Rahm decided to run for mayor. He's the 2nd or 3rd most powerful person in this country right now and he could do a lot better. Besides, he'll be busy on his current job for quite a while past 2012.....

Anyways, I think a celebration is in order. I didn't think I would live to see the day when Mr Corruption would finally leave! :goofy: :goofy:
I would be very surprised if Rahm decided to run for mayor. He's the 2nd or 3rd most powerful person in this country right now and he could do a lot better. Besides, he'll be busy on his current job for quite a while past 2012.....

I wouldn't call twenty days "quite a while".
Meigs was a wonderful airport, and we made frequent excuses to go to Chicago and enjoy all that city had to offer. Haven't been since Meigs was destroyed.
I don't expect Daley's (hand-picked, no doubt) successor will restore the airfield... I heard tell that there was a lease for a gambling casino with a Daley relative's name on it, and they planned to put it on the former airport property, thus insuring the Daley fortune for generations to come.

I frankly don't think Chicagoans care how they're 'represented' by their 'public servants.' I don't think Chicagoans are bright enough to see what travesties are committed by the crooks they elect repeatedly, much less, honorable enough to stop what's going on behind their backs.
Meigs was a wonderful airport, and we made frequent excuses to go to Chicago and enjoy all that city had to offer. Haven't been since Meigs was destroyed.
I don't expect Daley's (hand-picked, no doubt) successor will restore the airfield... I heard tell that there was a lease for a gambling casino with a Daley relative's name on it, and they planned to put it on the former airport property, thus insuring the Daley fortune for generations to come.

I frankly don't think Chicagoans care how they're 'represented' by their 'public servants.' I don't think Chicagoans are bright enough to see what travesties are committed by the crooks they elect repeatedly, much less, honorable enough to stop what's going on behind their backs.
It was known from the first day that Daley intended to put a casino there. I don't expect those plans to change.
Only if they put Miegs back.

They say Jimmy Hoffa is under the concrete in some stadium parking lot. It would be only fitting if some day Daley's ashes were mixed with the concrete of a resurrected Meigs Field.

Watch Prince Ritchie use his remaining 14 months to put as much in place as possible so that his successor can't undo his edicts.

Meigs tower is still there. You wanna bet that even with Chicago bankrupt, tearing the tower down will be a #1 priority? You know. For safety.

Rahm could win. Then he'll have to deal the city having no cash and every source of revenue having been sold off, short of the water plants - and that was on the table. So he'll have to raise taxes and cut services even further. In 4 years the hacks put up a dupe to win because Rahm has to go for doing what needed to be done.

That was the deal that Governor Pat Quinn was supposed to go for, but he wisely dodged it.
Praise the FSM! Ding dong, the King is dead! :thumbsup:

I've not set foot in Chicago since Meigs was bulldozed, passing up many opportunities and costing that city tens of thousands of dollars. Now that I live 1200 miles South, I may never see Chicago again -- but at least the Murderer of Meigs will no longer be a blight on the landscape.

I'm still p**sed at all the national aviation organizations that continued to hold their meetings and conventions in Chicago. How soon they forgot.
How sick is Daley's wife. Is she about to be buried Next to all of those fine folks that got Daley elected every time he ran for office. :D
Rahm could win. Then he'll have to deal the city having no cash and every source of revenue having been sold off, short of the water plants - and that was on the table. So he'll have to raise taxes and cut services even further. In 4 years the hacks put up a dupe to win because Rahm has to go for doing what needed to be done.

Rahm wouldn't have to cut anything, he could get a federal bailout.
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I'm still p**sed at all the national aviation organizations that continued to hold their meetings and conventions in Chicago. How soon they forgot.

Who did, besides the 99's? (And yes - major fail on the part of any who did.)
Did the 99's actually meet in Chicago or was it one of the suburbs?
Unfortunately, it was in downtown Chicago, at the Marriott. They didn't even mention Meigs in their writeup in their magazine! :( In fact, Cynthia Madsen, the author of one of the columns in the 99 News led off her article with the sentence "Flying your aircraft to 2009 International Conference in downtown Chicago couldn’t be easier." :mad2::mad2::mad2:

They're the only ones I'm aware of, thankfully.

Oh, and here's from the 99's themselves:
On June 30, 1950, 99s participated in the Meigs Field Dedication on the lakefront of Chicago. “…Irene Leverton, in an Aeronca Champ Sprayer, “sprayed” the crowd with Jacqueline Cochrane’s “Pursuit” perfume. After seaplane and landplane flybys, 99 members modeled the latest in women pilots’ apparel and the final flyby planes dropped 5,000 ‘Flying Saucers’ on the crowd, some of which held free rides donated by local airport operators.” In the 1990s, members would participate individually in the Friends of Meigs group to save the mayor’s closing of Chicago’s Meigs Airport which finally occurred surreptitiously during the night of March 30, 2003, an event that not only tore apart a runway but also our hearts and permanently ended another viable part of aviation.
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Unfortunately, it was in downtown Chicago, at the Marriott. They didn't even mention Meigs in their writeup in their magazine! :( In fact, Cynthia Madsen, the author of one of the columns in the 99 News led off her article with the sentence "Flying your aircraft to 2009 International Conference in downtown Chicago couldn’t be easier." :mad2::mad2::mad2:

They're the only ones I'm aware of, thankfully.

Oh, and here's from the 99's themselves:
WOW! That was a fail.
I still have no illusions that Meigs is coming back either.

Shhhhh. How many days are left for Daley to have the boyz a drill a hole in Northerly Island to sink it?

I'm sightly amazed that Daley didn't put up his son to succeed him. I guess they both have too many scandals, even for a Daley.
or otherwise?

If he runs for president, I'm going to invest what little I have in bulldozer companies across the country. It's supporting the enemy however the financial return on the ABBoA (Aviation Bulldozing Business of America) should be good enough to buy a few islands somewhere in the South Pacific and set it up as a living fully operational memorial to what General Aviation once was.
Hey, Henning, want a job? I'll need someone I can trust to captain the cargo ship to haul everything down. It'll be a boat crammed full of diverse airplane related goodies.
Sure, but I'd set up in Grenada or maybe Bequia rather than the South Pacific. Land on Montserrat is pretty cheap as well.....
You must be very surprised today as not only did he run but he won.
I'm not surprised that he won, but I am still confused about why he ran in the first place. Doesn't seem like the best career move.