Meetup at the Brown Arch Wed. July 26 14:30 CDT

Jim K

Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Mar 31, 2019
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Richard Digits
Calling all POAers in attendance at OSH this year....we need to take a picture with the new brick.

I'm going to suggest Wednesday at 2:30 PM to try and catch as many folks as possible. Those who can't be there post a selfie there and I'll see if I can crudely photoshop you in :biggrin:

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I'm not averse to doing it in the morning, although I think @X3 Skier said he was busy until noon.
I’ve put it in my calendar. I just saw the note about the brick yesterday. Is it too late to contribute?
I’ve put it in my calendar. I just saw the note about the brick yesterday. Is it too late to contribute?
I'm sure @RyanB would take your money if you want to make a donation. I believe we were fully funded plus a couple hundred extra. We'd love to have you and @lprellwitz in the picture though either way... especially after you feed us all the night before!
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I’ve put it in my calendar. I just saw the note about the brick yesterday. Is it too late to contribute?
Grant, the brick was fully funded thanks to the many generous donors. I wish I was there to see it in person, but I’m glad it appears to have turned out so well! If you’d like to contribute, your donation will go towards site upkeep and maintenance. The donation page can be found here -
@Jim K Thanks! But I won’t be on-site until Thursday
I’m here at Oshkosh and hope to make the photo meetup - wearing my 2017 Amelia’s Landing Osh T-shirt!
Calling all POAers in attendance at OSH this year....we need to take a picture with the new brick.

I'm going to suggest Wednesday at 2:30 PM to try and catch as many folks as possible. Those who can't be there post a selfie there and I'll see if I can crudely photoshop you in :biggrin:


I am at OSH, but only until end of Tuesday. What is the brick, and where do I find it?
As you face the brown arch, it’s slightly to the right of center, and 4 or 5 bricks in front of the front most stone planter.
Go it. I'll stop by there tomorrow.
Pay per view…

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Where’s the pics? I need to update my Compuserve account…

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Gonna have to wait
Where’s the pics? I need to update my Compuserve account…

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Until I get home so I can resize it :rolleyes:

Also have to Photoshop Thiesen in there.
Stopped by and took a selfie with the PoA logo. Unfortunately I won't be here Wednesday.
Looks good!
Gonna have to wait

Until I get home so I can resize it :rolleyes:

Also have to Photoshop Thiesen in there.
Still having issues uploading? How big is the picture? LOL
Looks good!

Still having issues uploading? How big is the picture? LOL

Apparently my phone takes like 3mb pictures. I should probably dial that down a bit. What's the limit now?
Apparently my phone takes like 3mb pictures. I should probably dial that down a bit. What's the limit now?
I tried to make it limitless, I dunno if it worked or not. Try it again.
Nice picture was at the show Monday and Tuesday.maybe next year.
I was still there yesterday, but when I realized it was almost time for the photo I also realized I was the better part of a mile away from the arch. Sorry I missed it. I did find the brick earlier in the week.
So you couldn’t do it on Tuesday so Rick could be in the picture, yet, Rick is not in the picture, and I’m the only one wearing a winter coat. :)

I do love the photo shopping skills. :)
Dang it! I just saw this. Sorry I missed it but I did snap a pic of the brick today.


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