Medical Wait Time!


Filing Flight Plan
Jan 23, 2024
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Hey all,

Hope this finds all of you folks well. Anyhow, I’m sort of curious about the backlog of the FAA. Frankly I’ve heard it all (10 weeks - 200 days) as far as the ranges go for review. But foremost I should provide some detail, I’m following SSRI pathway 1 due to some situational anxiety (3 lost family members and a work accident involving my father). My HIMS AME says I’ll likely get my unrestricted medical, as my general practitioner did a great job with documentation! In essence I’m wondering if anyone knows how long until I hear back, my medical has been in review for over two months now. I just feel as though this situation is tricky due to the highly subjective nature of medical cases.

Thank you all!
Logan as of December, the work queue stood at 210 days for GA pilots with such matters. But It's a good bet it's longer yet currently.
Most of the things I’ve heard have trended toward 2-4 months for a response from the FAA. That’s what I’m hoping for.
Logan, good to hear that things are looking promising regarding your case! I am currently following the exact same pathway and submitted my packet on December 7th, 2023, which was submitted electronically to avoid any mailing delays. I called the surgeon's office about something unrelated to the delays but missed their call, and in their call back they said because of their backlog it would be about August until the review rolled over the desk, and small period of time to review. This call was in late January, so just a short time after December.

@bbchien I've got a great AME now, but wish I had seen your services earlier, I found you about two months ago!
Logan, good to hear that things are looking promising regarding your case! I am currently following the exact same pathway and submitted my packet on December 7th, 2023, which was submitted electronically to avoid any mailing delays. I called the surgeon's office about something unrelated to the delays but missed their call, and in their call back they said because of their backlog it would be about August until the review rolled over the desk, and small period of time to review. This call was in late January, so just a short time after December.

@bbchien I've got a great AME now, but wish I had seen your services earlier, I found you about two months ago!
I’m actually in final review and it shouldn’t be long passed the analyst review. Also, they never mention the backlog… ever and I really think everyone is just far from the same page so info (such as hearing back in August) may be a bit drastic. I’m sure you’ll hear back sooner than that.
Definitely hoping to, regarding this whole process I live with a prepare for the worst hope for the best mindset. You'll have to let us know what they say!
7 months for my SI for sleep apnea.

Since any physician can approve Basic Med for a patient with sleep apnea (assuming the pilot had a medical once upon a time), why on earth shouldn’t sleep apnea be on the CACI list? Why must it be deferred to OKC?

This stuff has more to do with power-tripping bureaucrats clinging to power than it does with aviation safety.
Since any physician can approve Basic Med for a patient with sleep apnea (assuming the pilot had a medical once upon a time), why on earth shouldn’t sleep apnea be on the CACI list? Why must it be deferred to OKC?

This stuff has more to do with power-tripping bureaucrats clinging to power than it does with aviation safety.
Yup. exactly.

Also, is there any theory other than power tripping bureaucrats to explain why, even with 80,000 basic med pilots and increasing budgets, that backlogs are increasing? Doing less with more.
Also, is there any theory other than power tripping bureaucrats to explain why, even with 80,000 basic med pilots and increasing budgets, that backlogs are increasing?

Well, strictly as a theory, you understand, it's a common tactic when a bureacracy is trying to argue that it needs more, more, more, MORE money. Create busy work, ask for unneeded documents, slow-roll everything, then try to expand the empire.

Anyone who has spent time in a large organization has probably seen it play out.
Well, strictly as a theory, you understand, it's a common tactic when a bureacracy is trying to argue that it needs more, more, more, MORE money. Create busy work, ask for unneeded documents, slow-roll everything, then try to expand the empire.

Anyone who has spent time in a large organization has probably seen it play out.

Yup again. Parkinson's Law.
He's got three months left. Time to get on the treadmill again.
If he does, he INSANE. He needs a BASIC.

Three months. Yeah, that figures.

Yep, Basic Med is the way, and if he doesn’t take it he should be required to get a psych eval to renew his third.

It really is time to drop the one-time medical requirement for Basic. It’s pointless and unnecessarily burdensome.
is Bruce pretty smart or what? He’s making so much money off the advertising he’s getting on this forum. Hype it up or help us out? Not sure but lately I’m getting confused.
is Bruce pretty smart or what? He’s making so much money off the advertising he’s getting on this forum. Hype it up or help us out? Not sure but lately I’m getting confused.

If you think Bruce is making money then you’ve never met him. He’d make more if he just set out a “Tips” jar.
Unfortunately, that would literally take an act of Congress. I wouldn't hold my breath.
Hammer your representatives with this demand, especially when the reauth bill comes around. Doing nothing about it will guarantee nothing is done about it.
I’m actually in final review and it shouldn’t be long passed the analyst review. Also, they never mention the backlog… ever and I really think everyone is just far from the same page so info (such as hearing back in August) may be a bit drastic. I’m sure you’ll hear back sooner than that.
You made it to Final Review in just 2 months? That's pretty fast, all considered.

I'm going on 5 months "In Review" for what should have been an AME-issued ADHD Fast Track case.
Hey all,

Hope this finds all of you folks well. Anyhow, I’m sort of curious about the backlog of the FAA. Frankly I’ve heard it all (10 weeks - 200 days) as far as the ranges go for review. But foremost I should provide some detail, I’m following SSRI pathway 1 due to some situational anxiety (3 lost family members and a work accident involving my father). My HIMS AME says I’ll likely get my unrestricted medical, as my general practitioner did a great job with documentation! In essence I’m wondering if anyone knows how long until I hear back, my medical has been in review for over two months now. I just feel as though this situation is tricky due to the highly subjective nature of medical cases.

Thank you all!
FAA received all my info on October 30th 2023 and I still haven't heard anything. Short history of anxiety meds over 2 years ago. Ive been waiting over 6 months on a simple case. Good luck soldier
Yep, today marks five months of waiting for myself. My outlook is that if it gets done before the predicted timeline of August, then great, but not to expect it. Time hasn't exactly flown (and neither have I) but every day it gets a little closer, and at this point August isn't too far away! I have contacted my local congresswoman and a month ago she submitted a case to the FAA, so I should be hearing back on that sometime soon, but I'm not expecting too much from that.
If you go on the Reddit /flying and search chien you will see some reasons why his wait time may be longer than others at the FAA
Hey all,

Hope this finds all of you folks well. Anyhow, I’m sort of curious about the backlog of the FAA. Frankly I’ve heard it all (10 weeks - 200 days) as far as the ranges go for review. But foremost I should provide some detail, I’m following SSRI pathway 1 due to some situational anxiety (3 lost family members and a work accident involving my father). My HIMS AME says I’ll likely get my unrestricted medical, as my general practitioner did a great job with documentation! In essence I’m wondering if anyone knows how long until I hear back, my medical has been in review for over two months now. I just feel as though this situation is tricky due to the highly subjective nature of medical cases.

Thank you all!
My HIMS doctor submitted my report from the FAA psychiatrist on March 27, 2024. I am following a very similar path to yours due to taking anxiety meds. I have a favorable report written by the psychiatrist. I check the med express site daily and it always says that its in final review. Closing in on 4 months since the electronic submission.
The wait time is completely out of control.
I got a letter dated 9/3/2023 asking for three more documents.
My HIMS AME submitted it all by 11/3/2023 with an updated medical. He has called them 4 times since, no answer other then it's with the physician.
I doubt they have even looked at it. I got my medical applicant notes dated July 1, 2024. Not a single note about any physician looking at it. As of this month it has been 17 months since my application was deferred, 8 months since the last document was submitted to them 100% to a "T". All my HIMS Team has provided favorable reports. All along $40K in expenses also::((((((.
Brace yourself. It IS indeed out of control.

About this time (just after Aug 1) you need to submit the after First year HIMS psychiatrist report, so that when they finally get to your file they will have current data.

Book the second visit. Make sure your HIMS AME uploads your Testilng program and, AA and aftercare. Otherwise you get an "I'm sorry but.....please submit....letter.

Brace yourself. It IS indeed out of control.

About this time (just after Aug 1) you need to submit the after First year HIMS psychiatrist report, so that when they finally get to your file they will have current data.

Book the second visit. Make sure your HIMS AME uploads your Testilng program and, AA and aftercare. Otherwise you get an "I'm sorry but.....please submit....letter.

Thank you. However, I have done the all that.
2000+ Soberlink Negative tests.
3 Negative ETG tests.
1 Negative Peth test.
10 Panel drug screening.
Initial HIM Psychiatric Eval and Follow Up. Both Abuse diagnosis.
HIMS Cog screening, favorable. Abuse diagnosis.
All HIMS quarterly AME meetings, face to face.
IOP Done
Aftercare Done
Continued Aftercare Done
300 AA meetings.
Smart Recovery Facilitator Certification Done.
Monthly Volunteer for teaching recovery court.

Like I said, this is out of control. I have done it all. 17 months since deferred. 11 months since last correspondence from FAA.
This is beyond out of control.
All along, I did all this with an abuse diagnosis from HIMS team and not a single diagnosis from the FAA.
$40K later and nothing.
Brace yourself. It IS indeed out of control.

About this time (just after Aug 1) you need to submit the after First year HIMS psychiatrist report, so that when they finally get to your file they will have current data.

Book the second visit. Make sure your HIMS AME uploads your Testilng program and, AA and aftercare. Otherwise you get an "I'm sorry but.....please submit....letter.

Dr. Chien, with it being a known disaster and “out of control” in your words, why would they not decentralize and expand, at least to an expert in each state, to handle the final sign off for these scenarios?

It’s completely absurd and BS that applicants will forfeit their position if they don’t get back the information within 60 days, but the FAA has absolutely no legal obligation to respond or handle with any given timeframe.

Sounds like you have some “stroke” with the FAA???

I’d seriously pay $20,000 to get mine at the top of the list… kinda like the extra fees you pay for an expedited passport. Not an “expedited review,” but paying to get at the top of the review line once you do all that they ask.

Dr. Chien, with it being a known disaster and “out of control” in your words, why would they not decentralize and expand, at least to an expert in each state, to handle the final sign off for these scenarios?

It’s completely absurd and BS that applicants will forfeit their position if they don’t get back the information within 60 days, but the FAA has absolutely no legal obligation to respond or handle with any given timeframe.

Sounds like you have some “stroke” with the FAA???

I’d seriously pay $20,000 to get mine at the top of the list… kinda like the extra fees you pay for an expedited passport. Not an “expedited review,” but paying to get at the top of the review line once you do all that they ask.

They don't care. And some say that airlines get priority. I promise you, airline pilots don't pay as much taxes as I do. Democracy doesn't work this way.
They don't care. And some say that airlines get priority. I promise you, airline pilots don't pay as much taxes as I do. Democracy doesn't work this way.
I’m not going to stop asking, pushing. I’ve contacted my Senator, local Rep, AOPA…

Has this new HIMS process actually made flying safer, or made people even less likely to seek help?
I’m not going to stop asking, pushing. I’ve contacted my Senator, local Rep, AOPA…

Has this new HIMS process actually made flying safer, or made people even less likely to seek help?
How long ago did you contact your senator? Did they get a response?
I did the same about 20 days ago.
I have literally done everything under the sun. I did all this on my own with almost zero guidance. I got all of it done under 9 months.
They as me for 3 reports 11 months ago. It was send 9 months ago and zero.
How long ago did you contact your senator? Did they get a response?
I did the same about 20 days ago.
I have literally done everything under the sun. I did all this on my own with almost zero guidance. I got all of it done under 9 months.
They as me for 3 reports 11 months ago. It was send 9 months ago and zero.
Local Rep was about a year ago, congressional inquiry. That didn’t help. I’ve reached out to AOPA, didn’t really get anything other than “be patient, the FAA is always looking at the deferral process but it’s complicated and complex.”

Reached out to Senator Cruz, ranking member of Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

I plan on following up, a lot…
Boys and girls, the view of the agency is that the Senate and the House never appropriated enough $$ for the mission. With several positions unfilled, they might be at LEAST somewhat right. FYI, your Senator Cruz voted for "less" IIRC (but because of committee secrecy you can never really tell what he did).

So get your second, shorter (hopefully) 1 year followup with the HIMS psychiatrist and get it sent in. You want your application's "moment in the sun" to be well thought of.
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Boys and girls, the view of the agency is that the Senate and the House never appropriated enough $$ for the mission.

I’m sure that’s how they view it but I think it’s BS. Congress made it possible for 80,000 pilots to go onto Basic Med and no longer burden OKC. Aeromed could reduce their workload dramatically if they’d expand the CACI list and delegate more authority to AMEs.

But bureaucracies don’t behave that way. They cling to power and try to enlarge their empires. Their answer is always “we need more money.” It’s never about finding a way to get the job done within the available resources.

This will continue until some bureaucrats get fired for not doing their jobs.