If a single seizure event occurred the ages between three months and 5 years, no evlauation is required. However you'll have to get effective testimony that this is the case, and unless you still ive at home AND your mom has medical training, that means a NEUROLOGIST.
But it sounds like there was seomthing more recent. then the crieria is: If single seizure, unprovoked and no treatalbe medical explanation, you need 4 years, the last 2 years off all meds, and at the end of whcih is the complete neuro. evaluation.
If you've had two, and really have epilesy, therefore, the period is 10 years serizure free of medication for at least the last 3 years.
Sounds like you may have been outside of those bounds ? All your docs saying "fit to fly", I'll bet have zero idea of the aviation standard above so the FAA it sounds like self-discrediting doctors.