Medical Certificate Denial in 2015

Don Jon

Filing Flight Plan
Apr 7, 2022
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Hello everyone,

I was wondering about the third class medical certificate. I applied went in for a medical exam back in 2015 and the FAA sent me a denial letter in the mail. The HIMS Psychiatrist sent a report of evaluation with his "recommendations" or guidelines because of some alcohol related incidents that occurred while I was in the military. I never followed through with any of it. It is now 2022 and I'm wondering, will they make me go through the same guidelines as back then even though its been over 10 years since the incident.
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Hello everyone,

I was wondering about the third class medical certificate. I applied went in for a medical exam back in 2015 and the FAA sent me a denial letter in the mail. The HIMS Psychiatrist sent a report of evaluation with his "recommendations" or guidelines because of some alcohol related incidents that occurred while I was in the military. I never followed through with any of it. It is now 2022 and I'm wondering, since I haven't had any alcohol related incident since then, will I have any problem getting the medical certificate?

Nope. Probably not. Quite a few more... sorry to say. It’s become a popular well received program that’s the model for lots of other well insured professionals.

Well received by whom you ask? Well, not the folks IN the program. Mostly the folks making money off the people in the program.

Also back then you were looking at a 3 yr sentence max. Now it’s a lifetime full of fun and government mandated AA meetings.
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