May be joining a local club!


Jul 27, 2005
Ocean City, MD
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Yes, it may be working out to be a part of a local club with 3 other members in a 1979 PA-28-181 .

Reviewing all the documents and working the ole pros/cons list with the bride. I'm thinking I should get some seat time real soon in the flight school aircraft of said type :D . I may have some questions for the folks with all the experience, but for now time to read.

The minimum monthly base dues are $350.00 per month per member, which reserves the member to 4 hours of Hobbs time flying. Variable fee, if applicable shall be calculated by hours of usage over and above the base of four hours will require additional dues at the rate of $87.50 per Hobbs hour. Dues shall include all operating costs including fuel, oil, maintenance, insurance, and engine / prop reserves.

Each member shall be required to pass at least one check flight every twelve (12) months with a CFI, and insure that the owner or his agent receives all updated information for insurance purposes and the Club’s membership database.

Each member who has not flown during the preceding ninety (90) days shall have a check flight with a CFI to establish currency.

Best part, I didn't have to sell the Corvette !!! least not yet :rolleyes:

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Gary sounds like a option, BTW if you want some seat time in my warrior i'd be willing to come down some weekend.Warrior is 160 HP basically the same plane. Let Me Know. I'm not CFI but i have flown mine from right seat if you need help.
Dave G.
Try before you buy! I like the Archer, and a 4-way partnership would be a nice way to get into ownership. Looks like a nice bird from the outside. Still, access is more challenging relative to the 172, Sundowner, or Cardinal, given you have to clamber over the front passenger seat to get to the pilot's seat -- the only seat you'll ever want!!! I know ease of ingress/egress is an important criterion for you.

Thanks for the offer, what a nice gesture. I will be up your way Sunday, flying into Capital City to visit family then heading back home to N99. I will take some time with my PPL CFI next week to get started with seat time and see how well I like "climbing in" as Andrew mentioned.

I have a metal hip (since 86) and unfortunately multiple knee surgeries (7) and I am not really to bendable as they say in the action figure line. Those days of interesting contortions are long gone as I near the big 49. :rolleyes: . Thanks again Dave, I hope I get to take you up on the offer.


Yes I'll try it on for size and see how"I" fit. Mary is excited and of course that helps. I'll update as soon as i can. Hope the family is doing well and the girls are enjoying flight time. By the way...did I read you passed your IR ?
IR is in the bag, baby! I can fly through clouds, which amuses my 5yr old to no end. Thanks for the good wishes.

Like I said, try that Archer on for size first. Sounds like a nice opportunity, but I honestly think you'll want something with a pilot-side door, and (I can't believe I'm saying this) one with a high wing that you won't have to climb onto.

Say Hi to Mary for me.

Aww, shucks, Archer's pretty easy to get into and out of, and very comfortable once you're installed. Good flyer, too.

Looks to me like a good gig.
Actually I was thinkin it was a little high but certainly reasonable. I agree with Andrew ( Flyers Fan) You may not like the squeeze then again you may.
I'm fat. Fatty fa....ok, I've said that before.

I can get into and out of a Cherokee 180 (same size door as the Archer) with no problems other than a show of plumber's butt to outsiders.

If you don't mind, they can deal with the sight of your butt sticking out of the plane.
Well....I'm no bone rack either, but as I say it's all paid for. Heck if they want to fly with me thats the least they can deal with......ok maybe thats a bit to much info.

I'll check out the flight schools aircraft this weekend then get some seat time. I am going to let the ole' financial advisor/accountant (brother) look over the documents along with the airport legal eagles here at work for their opinions and then schedule a meeting with the owner.

We shall see.....:goofy:
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AdamZ said:
Actually I was thinkin it was a little high but certainly reasonable.

Sounds like a good deal to me. 4hrs per month in our club Archer is $60/mo for dues, and $113/tach hour. Derate by 1.2ish, and that is $95/hobbs. So four hours is $437, his is $350. I'd take that deal.

Add to it 4 on 1, vs 45 on 3 for our club, and that is a deal I'd leap upon.