Having the option to carry 85 gallons of fuel doesn't mean that you have to top it off every time you visit the pumps.
Yes, you almost want to treat a full load as a long distance ferry setup, or at least a long ETA setup. I happily fly an IO-540 with 60 gallons. I’m guessing some of those gallons are in some outer wing tanks with electric transfer pumps (?)
The Maules are not the most elegant, well thought out designs. Writers used to make fun of their habit of coming out with a ‘new model’ every year just to get magazine coverage; “hey, let’s take the rear seats out and call it a MX321”!
They are simple, old school aircraft. We were waved into the antique area at Oshkosh, 2 years running, despite having the proper signage displayed.
After some years of loving ownership, I can call them crude aircraft, with much affection. Reflex flaps that do nothing for speed as promised but make descents more pleasant. An extra notch of landing flaps that does absolutely nothing except provide a satisfying last notch for Walter Mitty fantasies. I can setup a steeper approach and a greased landing in a crossed up C172 easier than I can in a Maule which requires a blast of power to get the nose up from its not as steep power-off approach (actually the Cessnas like a bit of power too but it’s much easier to do).
But the satisfaction of 3-pointing a max crosswind landing using reflexed flaps and requiring a 270deg turn to exit the runway. Then having the tower point out the recently ground looped PIper Mirage off to the side with a collapsed gear.... ouch-priceless.
Loved My Baby!
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