Marking Forums Read

Commander Dave

Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 11, 2009
Reading, PA
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Commander Dave
Just curious

I found the link to "mark this forum read", but shouldn't that link (New Posts) be "mark this topic read"???

Or do I make that setting change in my personal setup?
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I wish it was! The only way to mark a TOPIC read is to open it. I'd LOVE from the New Posts screen to be able to mark a topic read using that link on the right-hand side; but you're right, it marks the FORUM the thread is in as read. Sometimes I can hover over the topic, see it's not of interest or relevance to me, and I'd like to be able to mark that post / thread as "read" so it will drop off the New Posts screen.

P.S.--I think by "tab" he means "link". Took me a minute to figure out what Dave was describing.