Maneuvers with passengers in the back seat?

Think how much fun cleaning up the puke will be before you do any of these "fun" things.
Yeah, if you have not done maneuvers at gross previously, I would not recommend doing it for the first time with passengers in the back...because the airplane WILL handle differently, and you may be unpleasantly surprised.

If you have, and they're onboard with the plan, then have at it.

Myself, I try to stick with airliner-style flying when I have passengers aboard.
Best plan is to have informed consent and a gallon-sized ziplock baggie for each passenger. Put a paper towel into each baggie and tell the passengers to take the towel out before using the baggie and then use the towel to clean their face afterward. Beware of quart-sized baggies, they might not have quite enough capacity and they are generally more flimsy.
To the OP - You're going to do what you want to do. One more tid bit. If you're newly minted (which I'm not sure) taking up a 172 fully loaded up with friends is like you driving a car with 3 friends right after you get your license. Sure lot of people do it but I've heard that it's the most dangerous and now you want to do the same thing but 3k feet up? Let us know how it goes, if you can. Don't get distracted and pay attention to the plane.

Alot of people commented that a CFI in the seat next to you is a good idea, I agree. He/she will save your butt if you do happen to get it into a spin. I know when I was training I almost spun the 172. Never saw my CFII move to the controls that fast :-D
None of the private pilot maneuvers need that for a 172. Spins do, as do steep turns above 60 deg. It might be a good idea for any high-G maneuver, though I suspect your passengers will be really upset well before the 3.8G normal category limit.

A 172 requires an empty back seat for utility category. Obviously impossible with four people.

I do not believe that any aircraft are certified for more than two in the utility category.

While the privater requires no utility category manouvers, the commercial ones could cross over into that.