Touchdown! Greaser!
I'm a VFR guy - during training I was taught, on a x-wind takeoff, to go ahead and let the plane crab, then pick a point on the horizon on the extended rwy centerline and use that as a reference. I may be travelling in the direction of the runway, but my heading is definitely off.
I acted as a safety pilot with a buddy of mine, in similar conditions. He went under the hood shortly after takeoff and kept the runway heading pegged on the DG, which meant we drifted quite a bit.
For noise abatement, our posted local procedures say to maintain rwy heading until 1500AGL.
It's been a long time since I've flown out of a Class C airport where I had to get departure directions, but I think I was told to maintain rwy heading until a certain altitude.
I've heard that for IFR clearances the drift is taken into consideration and the pilot is expected to fly the heading and let the IFR system take care of the xwind drift.
Just what is the definition of 'runway heading' and does it mean different things under different conditions?
I acted as a safety pilot with a buddy of mine, in similar conditions. He went under the hood shortly after takeoff and kept the runway heading pegged on the DG, which meant we drifted quite a bit.
For noise abatement, our posted local procedures say to maintain rwy heading until 1500AGL.
It's been a long time since I've flown out of a Class C airport where I had to get departure directions, but I think I was told to maintain rwy heading until a certain altitude.
I've heard that for IFR clearances the drift is taken into consideration and the pilot is expected to fly the heading and let the IFR system take care of the xwind drift.
Just what is the definition of 'runway heading' and does it mean different things under different conditions?