Maine Does Away with Aircraft Sales Taxes

It's about time. So does this mean there is no sales tax due at all on aircraft sales within the state? Or only that they will not go after the vacationers that fly in with their own airplane. And no more tax on aircraft parts installed in Maine, sweet.
A big bonus for the new factory at Brunswick. Pick it up at the factory and save the tax.

You'll get hit for the tax in your home state.
It's my understanding that we residents would still pay sales tax re an a/c purchase; but the non-Maine residents who purchased an a/c and, perhaps, paid no sales tax will now be safe from being hit with the prior regulation re sales tax. And there will be no sales tax on aircraft parts required for servicing of a/c.

Yes; and I suspect that if I went to NH(no sales tax) and bought a plane, as a resident of Maine I'd be responsible for Maine sales tax upon registering said purchase.

It's my understanding that we residents would still pay sales tax re an a/c purchase;

The way I read the story, Maine residents no longer pay sales tax on planes. Massachusetts did away with sales tax on planes right after I paid my tax.

I believe Maine was the last New England state to charge sales tax on aircraft.

In Mass, the explanation was that too many corporate jets were being based out of state. If a Boston company based its plane in Nashua, all of the maintenance (and jobs) end up in NH rather than Mass.
I hope your reading is correct and that I would stand corrected. One needs to read the entire document to get the full interpretation. And not that I'll be buying another plane.
