Solved?!? Are you kidding? No conspiracy theory worthy of the name is solved by the "official story". There's still plenty of questions left and a lot of inconstancies in the government's story.
For instance, if there is data on there, why didn't any of Meanee's various readers pick it up?
Why would they use some secret, non-standard format for something they claim has no personal information?
For that matter, what is this '“unique identifier” number' that can be used to match the card to a specific person, and how is it not personal information?
Why do they have to ship these cards halfway across the country to get them printed? (And notice they pick California, the state with the most number of businesses, which makes it that much more difficult to check up on one that may or may not print FAA certificates. Interesting... California is also about as far as you get from D.C. and still be in the 48 states. Misdirection...)
And am I the only one who finds it suspicious that after claiming you looked and found nothing, you suddenly stumble upon this convenient answer? Almost as if someone realized people were asking questions and quickly made something up to stop people from digging too deep. Makes you wonder what the real story is.