Magnetic North Pole Shift and Runway Numbering

Good god - if the FAA "spokesman" is quoted accurately, he's an idiot. They redesignate runways all the time across the country - Reagan was in the last decade.

This guy makes it sound like a rare, emergency-type event rather than the deliberate process it is.
Doncha love the technical jargon ... "rejiggering the runways ..."

Sounds like the writer is a Star Wars fan:
Thanks to the fluctuations in the force, the airport has closed its primary runway until Jan. 13 to change taxiway signs to account for the shift, the Federal Aviation Administration said.​

:crazy: :idea: :rolleyes:
Good god - if the FAA "spokesman" is quoted accurately, he's an idiot. They redesignate runways all the time across the country - Reagan was in the last decade.

This guy makes it sound like a rare, emergency-type event rather than the deliberate process it is.

Don't you have to dig up the whole runway and repave when the numbering changes? Maybe according to the media... :crazy:

No biggie, just repaint some numbers and order new taxiway signs. Sort of a pain, but it happens. Usually the hardest part is getting the controllers to start saying the new numbers. PBI changed 9L/R last year to 10L/R...everytime someone checked on with PBI Approach you would hear, "expect ILS runway niner le....correction one zero left."
Aren't you relieved, though, that the change "will have no effect on passenger safety"?


Oh absolutely. It is sort of fun to be the first one to land on the "newly numbered" runway though. My dad was the first to land on runway 19 at JAC when they renumbered it a few years ago. He was cleared for the ILS 18 and cleared to land runway 19. He asked the tower controller if it was a circling approach but they didn't know. :cornut:
Of course. You got a better idea on how to turn the runway into the wind?

Yeah, but it involves some big pivots and rollers.

Our runway here is getting close to needing renumbering. Another year or three, maybe.

Once the magnetic North pole is in Russia, those guys will claim it as theirs and it will stop moving.

They had a story about this linked on and it was hilarious. Of course the mods of the local paper deleted the funniest (read: obnoxious and ill-informed, like blaming the guvmint) from the local site.
Aren't you relieved, though, that the change "will have no effect on passenger safety"?


No. Not at all. Shouldn't it IMPROVE passenger safety? Otherwise, why do it???

I believe that when originally built, the airport now known as ONZ had a circular runway that ran around the perimieter of the property.

Later it had a big paved circle in the center that was used for carrier training (WW-II) in addition to "regular" runways.

How were those numbered?
I believe that when originally built, the airport now known as ONZ had a circular runway that ran around the perimieter of the property.

Later it had a big paved circle in the center that was used for carrier training (WW-II) in addition to "regular" runways.

How were those numbered?

Those big old grass fields were neat -- no cross wind landings!!