M09 - Kingsley Airfield


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jul 20, 2014
Springfield, Missouri
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I am considering taking a very short hop over to M09 to Hangar Kafe form 3DW. I have never been to this airfield. 2640x150' runway - turf. When I pull this up on Google Maps, a) it doesn't look 150 wide (I don't need it) but I am trying to figure out why they would list such a wide runway. From the map image it looks to be about 50' with gravel or paving in the center section.



Perhaps they are including the width of the parachute jump landing zone?

Has anyone been there? I plan to take the Archer II over there to grab a $200 waffle and strip of bacon this weekend.

It's not uncommon for grass strips to "improve" certain high wear areas.

As for the width, they may indeed consider stuff outside the apparently commonly mowed area to be part of the runway. Handy for things like skydive operations and glider ops.
How far apart are the power poles at the north end of the runway? If they're spaced 500' apart, then the runway looks like it's about 150' wide. Be sure to bring a 150' tape measure when you go. ;)
How old is the satellite pic? Could have been widened since... The photo of my house still has my 1999 Taurus in the driveway...
As long as all of that is mowed and land able , then I would count it. Makes a difference that there are no lights or runway side markers in the grass just outside of the bright green centerline. Especially when landing a 20 meter span glider. The wing is less than 3 feet off the ground.
It ended up being a great field to land. Well maintained and smooth as far as I could tell. This was my first turf landing and so I have no real comparison but it felt nearly like asphalt. Wife thought it was great so that was a W in my book. The only microphone drop moment was parking in the parachute landing zone. Ha. I moved the plane after I saw one jumped land and the next group headed out. Fun trip over there and back and a good flight to break in the newly minted PPL and first time passengers.



Nice pics of your wife and boys! Great you have them all on board and they're enjoying it.
Looks like you had a great ,family day.
Is the runway indeed, part asphalt and partially turf? The google map overhead looks like its both. Just trying to get a perspective before potentially making a trip there in a couple weeks.