Lunar Eclipse?


Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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anyone else getting up early or staying up late to see the eclipse tomorrow morning?
mid eclipse for central time zone will be around 5:30 AM
I am, conditions are looking good up here. The last lunar eclipse wasn't visible in Alaska :( Now we are making up for it because it will be optimal for northern latitudes this time.

Last night we had a combination of a beautiful almost-full moon and northern lights around midnight.
I am, conditions are looking good up here. The last lunar eclipse wasn't visible in Alaska :( Now we are making up for it because it will be optimal for northern latitudes this time.

Last night we had a combination of a beautiful almost-full moon and northern lights around midnight.

I was in bed at midnight:yes: And your away form the light pollution:goofy:

I will be at the cabin this weekend in search of the illusive Bull Moose and his friend the Mallard:fcross: It is always nice to have some dark when its not cold;) . Usually see some bats too:hairraise:
That is one very full moon up there tonight (I guess for a lunar eclipse it has to be). At moonrise this evening, as viewed from KVUO, the moon was eclipsed by Mount Hood. Several of us just stood there gaping for several minutes.


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Just came up over the horizon here, eclipse set for about 1000 UTC in my area...


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I see it now. It's not quite total but I'm not sure if it's just before or just after.
i just had a nice gaze. too bad i dont have access to the master switch for the Cedar Rapids power supply. then it woulda been super cool. couldnt get a picture, not big enough and too much light pollution. very nice though.
Unfortunately, there is one cloud in the sky, and its all over the moon :(
That is one very full moon up there tonight (I guess for a lunar eclipse it has to be). At moonrise this evening, as viewed from KVUO, the moon was eclipsed by Mount Hood. Several of us just stood there gaping for several minutes.
Okay, this is another picture to be submitted for POTW! Nice!:yes:
My whole family got up at 4:45 and watched it. No clouds, nice temps, no bugs. The early morning joggers thought we were nuts.
Clouds were predicted here in Denver (I'm on the road again) and I need my sleep, so I missed it. Hope those who stayed up enjoyed it.
It was great up here, no northern lights last night, but the eclipse was excellent. It was 100% here. I tried to take some photos but I still have a 2.1 megapixel so they weren't even worth trying to edit, and I was too lazy to bring the 8mp one home from work :(

Next one visible from AK is in 2010.
I didn't know we were expecting a lunar eclipse. I got out of work at 0500 MDT, and the moon looked a bit odd over the mountains. I thought there were just some clouds moving across 'til someone on the radio mentioned that folks should go out side and check out the eclipse.
I got to see it here in NE- noticed the moon looked very weird, got to see the crescent coming from behind the Earth's shadow just as I got into work this morning. Kewl.