Aircraft has 217 total hours on engine since 2008. From 2015-through now it has only operated a total of <18 hours and is located in Florida. What are the odds for cylinder/cam corrosion?
All Florida it’s very humid? And worst 10 miles from the cost line?Where in Florida? It makes a difference....
Aircraft has 217 total hours on engine since 2008. From 2015-through now it has only operated a total of <18 hours and is located in Florida. What are the odds for cylinder/cam corrosion?
Aircraft has 217 total hours on engine since 2008. From 2015-through now it has only operated a total of <18 hours and is located in Florida. What are the odds for cylinder/cam corrosion?
Only way to really know is to run it for 7-10 hrs and check the filter for metal and debris.
The OP was looking for an RV-7, I believe. So it will be a Lycoming.It also makes a difference if it is a Lycoming or a Continental.